Lawn Aeration in Fort Mitchell

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Lawn Aeration in Fort Mitchell

While it doesn’t need to be done with the same frequency as watering, mowing, or fertilizing your lawn, lawn aeration plays a crucial role in supporting the efficacy of these routines. Almost any yard can benefit from being aerated when it is timed correctly and done using the right techniques. In some cases, aeration can even prevent grass from dying off. If you’d like to know more about this process, read below to better understand when to schedule aeration for your yard in Fort Mitchell.

Is It Time For Lawn Aeration in Fort Mitchell?

At Lawn Doctor of Northern Kentucky, we use a core aeration method. With the help of our hardworking core aerator machine, we can remove plugs of excess thatch and soil with precision. This technique is more effective than the alternative of spike aeration and can help loosen up the soil while making way for air, nutrients, and moisture to reach grass roots.

Here’s a closer look at whether it’s time to get started with our core aeration treatment.

Signs You Need Aeration

Can you see evidence of heavy foot traffic on your yard? If you have kids or pets who play on your turf regularly, the frequent pressure can cause soil to compact more quickly. Parking vehicles or machinery on your lawn can have a similar effect.

Puddles forming following a period of light rain can also signal soil compaction. If water can’t easily penetrate the soil, this is bad news for the thirsty grass roots underground.

Finally, yards with clay soil are often in need of aeration. Clay soil is naturally dense, and aeration can help reduce the tendency toward turf-damaging compaction.

How Often Aeration Is Necessary

Aeration is an annual step, although some yards only need to be aerated once every two years. To provide optimal results that lead to thick and healthy growth, aeration should be done in the late spring for warm-season grass species and early spring or fall for cool-season grasses.

Get Started With Lawn Aeration in Fort Mitchell

With our extensive knowledge and in-depth experience, we can determine the right timing and frequency for aerating your lawn in:

  • Fort Mitchell
  • Alexandria
  • Florence
  • Independence
  • Burlington
  • Union
  • Butler
  • Silver Grove
  • Or a community in the surrounding area

For lawn aeration in Fort Mitchell,contact us today!