Residential Lawn Care in Landenberg, PA: Examining Common Lawn Care Myths

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Residential Lawn Care in Landenberg, PA

There’s a lot of misinformation out there surrounding the maintenance of your yard. Whether it’s from family, neighbors, or coworkers, there are countless tips, tricks, supposed time-savers, and hacks that are often tossed around to help you on your lawn care journey. Unfortunately, much of this advice can at best be ineffective, and at worst be counterproductive. To help you determine lawn care fact from fiction, we’ll examine some common myths surrounding residential lawn care in the Landenberg, PA area below.

Common Lawn Care Myths

Lawn care myths are extremely common, and they can come from several different sources. Let’s examine a few of these myths and why this advice should be avoided:

1. Watering daily is ideal. There are several myths surrounding watering, and many of them are counterproductive to your lawn’s development. Watering daily, for example, leads to shallow root systems that are weaker and less resistant to drought. For better results, water deeply and less often.

2. Pulling weeds is the best way to fight them. Pulling weeds can have limited effectiveness simply because failing to remove the entire plant allows it to quickly regenerate and continue spreading. To more effectively fight weeds, our team uses advanced weed control products that eliminate the entire plant.

3. Fertilizing once or twice in a year is plenty. The purpose of fertilization is to maintain a healthy nutrient balance in your yard. This is tough to do with just one or two applications, as it can lead to imbalances and malnutrition that cause significant issues.

4. Cutting your grass short is a great way to save time. Cutting grass too short is a common lawn care mistake. When you mow your grass too short, you’re making it more susceptible to weed infestations, sun damage, and a long list of other issues.

Our Proven Residential Lawn Care in Landenberg, PA

When you work with our team at Lawn Doctor of Newark / Cecil County, you’ll be working with experts who bring you results you can trust. With our proven treatments, we’ll boost your lawn’s overall health and keep it looking great in the long run.

We offer top-notch residential lawn care to our neighbors in:

  • Landenberg, PA
  • Newark, DE
  • Elkton
  • Delaware City
  • Cecil County
  • Bear
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

For residential lawn care in Landenberg, PA, contact us today!