Residential Lawn Care in Newark, DE: Five Terms You Should Know

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Residential Lawn Care in Newark, DE

When it comes to keeping your lawn healthy, dedicated maintenance is crucial. However, when our team shows up to administer this maintenance, our technicians might use some words you’re not familiar with. Being familiar with lawn care terminology can make it easier for you to understand some aspects of your lawn and why our team takes certain steps. Below, we’ll highlight a few of the key residential lawn care terms that we think are important for Newark, DE homeowners to know.

Must-Know Terms for Residential Lawn Care in Newark, DE

There’s a long list of terminology surrounding lawn care. Let’s take a look at some of the common terms that are likely to pop up during service:

Pre/Post-emergent. Effective weed control takes a dedicated effort, which is why we utilize treatments that target different kinds of weeds. Pre-emergent and post-emergent treatments simply refer to treatments that target weeds that have either not broken through your lawn’s surface yet or have already broken through.

Thatch. Thatch is the organic matter layer that exists on top of your soil but under your grass. A little bit of thatch is healthy, but too much can block out water, sunlight, and the nutrients from fertilization, putting your lawn’s overall health at risk.

Scalping. Because we don’t offer lawn mowing services at Lawn Doctor of Newark / Cecil County, we might advise you on how to get the most out of mowing on your own. Scalping refers to mowing your grass too short, and should be avoided because it allows weeds and lawn diseases to take over your yard more easily.

pH. Your soil’s acidity needs to be in a certain range for your grass to stay green and healthy. Acidity is measured on the pH scale, which stands for potential hydrogen. Using this scale allows us to easily determine if your lawn is too acidic, too alkaline, or just right.

Anaerobic. Oxygen is required for your lawn to thrive. If we mention that your lawn is anaerobic, that means your lawn isn’t getting enough oxygen to stay healthy. This can happen for several reasons, but it points to issues that need to be addressed.

Proven Lawn Care Solutions for Your Area

We offer residential lawn care to our neighbors in these areas:

  • Newark, DE
  • Elkton
  • Landenberg, PA
  • Delaware City
  • Cecil County
  • Bear
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

Contact us today to discover the residential lawn care provided to Newark, DE homeowners by our team of experts!