Spring Lawn Care in Newark, DE: Get Started Now with These Winter Tips

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass from our Spring Lawn Care in Newark, DE

Want a beautifully blooming lawn in spring? Then you need to make the right moves now, before the harsh winter weather really kicks in. And as spring lawn care experts serving the Newark, DE area, Lawn Doctor of Newark / Cecil County can help. You can focus on the holiday season ahead, while we protect your turf and ensure it has everything to stand strong against snow, ice, diseases, and other adverse conditions. Here are a few ways we can do that.

How Our Expert Spring Lawn Care in Newark, DE Can Make a Difference in Your Yard

Your lawn is different from your neighbor’s and the one down the street. It’s why Lawn Doctor of Newark / Cecil County always begins our process with a full assessment, so we can make the right recommendations. Some of these can include:

  • pH balancing. Your soil pH must be in a certain range for grass roots to take in enough nutrients. If it’s not, then your lawn can become malnourished over time. With Lawn Doctor of Newark / Cecil County, we’ll check the level and amend it, if needed.
  • Core aeration. Our aeration treatment works by removing small plugs of soil from across your whole yard, reducing compaction and getting nutrients, water, and air flowing freely into the root zone. This helps to fortify your lawn now, so it can build up strong reserves for winter.
  • Fertilization. Your lawn requires enough fuel to support it during winter, as well as ensure snow mold and other diseases don’t take over. By fertilizing it, Lawn Doctor of Newark / Cecil County will not only deliver a nutrient-rich treatment, but one that’s custom-blended for your specific lawn.
  • Weed control. If weeds are still growing in your yard, they’re taking away water, space, and nutrients from your grass. The good news is that with spring lawn care from our team, we can suppress today’s infestation and ensure they don’t return during the Newark, DE area’s next spring.

What Spring Lawn Care Steps in Newark, DE You Can Take to Create a Strong Comeback 

When you hire Lawn Doctor of Newark / Cecil County, DE, you’ll not only get tailored lawn care to prepare your grass for a better spring, but tips and advice on how you can assist with the process. This includes removing leaves and branches from across your lawn, as well as salting carefully, so it doesn’t get on and damage your grass. In addition, winterize your mower ahead of time and make sure blades are sharp and ready for action.

For spring lawn care in Newark, DE and other nearby areas, contact Lawn Doctor of Newark / Cecil County today for a free consultation!