Tick Control in Louisville: Keep Your Lawn Pest-Free 

Tick Control in Louisville

There’s nothing that spoils time outdoors more than the presence of harmful pests like ticks or mosquitos. That’s because those insects can do more than leave you with an itchy bite. They can also spread harmful diseases to people and pets alike. Tick control services from Lawn Doctor of NE Louisville are a quick and effective way to protect your property or rid it from existing pests. Our team of experts gets the job done right so home and business owners in our community can enjoy the time they spend outside, worry-free.

How Important is Tick Control? 

If your house shares its borders with woodland or open fields, the arrival of pests is almost inevitable unless the right steps are taken to deter them. Due to their incredible resilience and ability to survive for many months without food, ticks are especially hard pests to eliminate once they arrive. Rather than leaving yourself open to an infestation, there are measures you can take to protect your property from these tiny intruders.

Some of the steps you can take to safeguard your property from pests include:

  • Erecting fences to keep out deer
  • Lining perimeters with gravel or mulch
  • Elevating bird feeders
  • Removing woodpiles or other organic debris
  • Keeping grass trimmed to its optimal length
  • Pruning shrubs and bushes to reduce shade
  • Planting greenery that doesn’t appeal to wildlife

There’s no question that when it comes to tick control, prevention is the key to success. However, there is no action more effective than the application of professional-grade anti-tick treatments. Our highly effective Yard Armour® pest control services are the perfect way to defend your lawn from ticks, drive them out, and keep them out so that you can get back to enjoying your yard.

Committed to Creating a Tick-Free Louisville

At Lawn Doctor of NE Louisville, we don’t just promise exceptional results to our clients, we guarantee them. If you ever feel that our work has failed to live up to your standards, just let us know and we’ll be back to get the job done right, or we’ll refund you the cost of the treatment. It’s that simple.

We’re proud to offer our services throughout the communities of:

For tick control in Louisville, contact us today!