Tips for Grass Care in Martinsburg: What to Do Between Treatments

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Grass Care in Martinsburg

A continuous maintenance approach is essential to keep your lawn healthy and growing. And while our team utilizes some of the industry’s most advanced grass care treatments to optimize the health and appearance of Martinsburg, WV lawns, additional steps need to be taken between our treatments to fight external threats and support healthier grass. We’ll highlight a few of these key steps below to help you get more out of your upkeep efforts and maintain a greener, more vigorous lawn.

Keeping Your Yard Healthy Between Grass Care Treatments

Let’s take a look at just a few of the many steps you can take between applications of our grass care treatments to maintain a stronger, healthier lawn:

Don’t Mow Your Grass Too Short

Mowing your grass does more than just keep it tidy. How you cut has a major impact on your lawn’s overall health. When you consistently mow too short, your lawn will develop weaker root systems that are less resistant to weather changes and drought. Cutting to a height of 2.5 – 3 inches will help you maintain a strong, lush lawn through the seasons.

Quickly Address Weeds

Weeds can turn your lawn into an eyesore and take a heavy toll on its overall health. Our professional weed control treatments quickly address both active and pre-emergent weeds. However, more of these plants can creep into your yard between treatments if preventative measures aren’t in place. We’ll work with you to take these preventive steps to reduce the number of weeds that can migrate into your yard over time.

Designate a Specific Area for Your Pets

Along with weeds, pet spots can drastically affect your lawn’s appearance. Designating a specific area for your pets to do their business is a great way to preserve your grass and keep it healthier over time.

Our Ongoing Grass Care for Martinsburg Homeowners

When you work with our team at Lawn Doctor of Berkeley-Jefferson-Washington Counties & Northern Shenandoah Valley, you’ll get treatments that are adjusted on an ongoing basis to work around your lawn’s needs as they change over time. With these flexible treatments and your continuous upkeep, you’ll be able to maintain healthier grass through the seasons.

We offer top-notch grass care to our neighbors in these areas:

  • Martinsburg
  • Winchester
  • Hagerstown
  • Charles Town
  • Stephens City
  • Falling Waters
  • Stephenson
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

For grass care in Martinsburg, contact us today!