Lawn Weed Control Service in Marietta

Lawn Doctor expert with clipboard stoops down to provide Lawn Weed Control Service in Marietta

Weed growth is a serious problem that affects every lawn. Without proper treatment, these invasive plants will grow wildly across your grass, creating an ugly sight and taking away critical nutrients from your soil. With our professional lawn weed control service, Lawn Doctor of Marietta provides an effective, affordable, and guaranteed solution.

When it comes to handling weeds, flexibility is crucial. That’s because there are so many different species inhabiting the Marietta region. These include: crabgrass, chickweed, wild lettuce, annual bluegrass, and many others. We offer the detailed service your lawn needs to fight off specific weed problems and maintain strong health, consistent growth, and better protection from outside threats. For your peace of mind, we proudly cover our weed control with our industry-leading guarantee.

About Our Lawn Weed Control Service in Marietta

Pulling weeds from your lawn is exhausting work. To make matters worse, it might not even pay off. Simply pulling weeds from your lawn provides no guarantee that they won’t grow back. By choosing our professional service and skipping those DIY chores, you can provide your lawn with a more effective long-term solution. We offer:

Pre-Emergent Solutions. We offer proactive solutions to stop future weed growth and keep your lawn in great health.

Effective Weed Control. With the best products and supplies in the industry, our team can quickly solve your current weed problems.

Annual Service Plan. For sustained protection, we encourage you to join our annual plan that involves both weed control and lawn fertilization.

Weed Control And Fertilization for Marietta Lawns

Protect your yard from weeds in 2022 by joining our annual program! This will include regular lawn weed control treatments, along with lawn fertilization. We combine these two services in one comprehensive strategy in order to make sure each service is delivered correctly, and at the right times. With our experts handling every detail, your lawn will see amazing health and consistent protection from weeds.

Our guaranteed service region includes the following communities:

  • Marietta
  • East Cobb
  • Fair Oaks
  • West Hampton
  • Mount Bethel
  • Chattahoochee Plantation
  • Sandy Plains
  • Macland Crossing
  • And the surrounding areas

With our superior products, vast experience, and proven lawn weed control service, Lawn Doctor of Marietta is able to provide guaranteed protection for your grass. To learn more, contact us today.