Spring Lawn Care in Madisonville: Get Started Now with These Winter Tips

extremely green grass from our Spring Lawn Care in Madisonville

The transition from winter to spring can be tough on Madisonville lawns. Supporting new growth after the low temperatures, shorter daylight hours, and fluctuations in precipitation can require a comprehensive treatment program. There are a few key steps you can take on your own at the end of the year. For the rest, turn to the spring lawn care experts trusted by local homeowners spanning the entire Madisonville, LA area.

How to Get a Head Start on Spring Lawn Care

There are several different ways to maximize your lawn’s health at the end of the year to prime it for springtime growth. Here is a brief look at just a few of the key steps that can be taken to get a head start on spring lawn care:

Aeration & Fertilization. Your lawn needs several key elements to stay healthy through the seasons, with oxygen and nutrients being among the most important. The circulation of these crucial elements can falter during winter weather, which is why aeration and fertilization treatments are often necessary to get your lawn back on track to healthy growth. These treatments will renew your lawn’s access to the oxygen and nutrients it needs to fend off external threats and support new germination as the temperatures rise.

General Lawn Cleanliness. One of the easiest, yet most important ways to keep your lawn alive and kicking through seasonal transitions is to simply keep it tidy. When obstructions like leaf litter and tree branches accumulate in your yard, it can attract and shelter harmful pests while also blocking out sunlight and trapping moisture, which fosters the development of lawn diseases. By keeping your yard tidy, you’re keeping it healthier for longer.

Our Hassle-Free Spring Lawn Care for Madisonville

Preparing your lawn for new growth in the spring doesn’t have to cause you headaches in the winter. By working with our team at Lawn Doctor of Mandeville & Covington, a healthy spring lawn is within reach without the inconvenience. There’s no need for you to be trapped at home for our team to work on your lawn. We can treat your lawn whether you’re at work, driving around the kids, or out running errands, giving you more control over your day-to-day schedule.

To learn more about how our knowledgeable technicians approach spring lawn care in Madisonville, contact us today!