Grub Control in Covington: A Homeowner’s Guide

Grub Control in Covington

Grubs are a constant threat to many lawns in the region, so it’s important for every homeowner to understand what they’re up against. As part of our comprehensive grub control support for local homes, Lawn Doctor of Mandeville & Covington would like to share some key facts about these pests. Let’s take a look.

What are Grubs?

Grubs are early-stage life forms that will eventually become beetles. When these larvae hatch in your soil, they will inhabit the depths beneath your turf and continuously chew on your turf roots. If not treated early, this can weaken your root system and cause expensive lawn damage.

How Do Grubs Harm My Lawn?

When these pests chew up your roots, they can cause the growth, health, and beauty of your lawn to significantly suffer. To make the issue more complicated, grubs are also a desirable food source for birds, raccoons, skunks, and many other wild creatures. If these animals discover that your soil is packed with grubs, you can expect further damage as they tear up your turf to get to these pests.

What Signs Should I Look For?

While there’s no need to confirm the presence of grubs to benefit from our proactive service, it is important to know what an active infestation looks like. You should pay attention to any signs of deteriorating lawn conditions, whether it’s yellow turf, spongy lawn texture, sparse growth, dry conditions, or other problems that don’t have another obvious explanation. Also, if you see animals rooting around in your soil, this is often a sign that grubs are present.

How Our Professional Grub Control in Covington Can Help

At Lawn Doctor of Mandeville & Covington, our professional grub control includes solutions to prevent this issue and treat an ongoing infestation. In addition, we provide customized lawn servicing to address any grub-related damage and restore your healthy, green, and vibrant landscape. All our support is covered by our industry-leading satisfaction guarantee, so if you’re not happy, we’ll make it right. It’s just that simple.

Our expert grub control services are available to homeowners throughout:

  • Covington
  • Mandeville
  • Madisonville
  • St. Tammany Parish
  • And the surrounding areas

For grub control in Covington, contact us today.