Residential Lawn Care in Janesville: Examining Common Lawn Care Myths

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Residential Lawn Care in Janesville

It can seem like there’s just as much lawn care misinformation out there as information you can actually use, and telling the two apart isn’t always easy. This can be problematic because putting some of the lawn care myths out there into practice can lead to long-lasting issues with grass growth and your lawn’s overall development. Below, we’ll take a closer look at some of the most common residential lawn care myths and the problems they can cause in Janesville, WI area lawns.

Residential Lawn Care Myths to Stop Believing

There’s a wide range of lawn care myths out there. Here are some of the most common myths and why you should stop believing them:

1. Watering daily is ideal.

Along with being an extremely time-consuming process, watering your grass every single day leads to a lawn that’s weaker and less resistant to external threats. The cause of this is shallow roots, which develop when your lawn is overwatered. Watering deeply once or twice per week will help your lawn develop deeper, stronger roots and make your grass more resilient through the seasons.

2. Mowing short saves you time.

Mowing your grass too short, like watering daily, opens your lawn up to a long list of health issues. Grass that’s cut too short can be more easily damaged by the sun, taken over by weeds, and affected by lawn diseases like copper spot and brown patch. Keeping your grass longer helps you maintain a lawn that stays healthier in the long run.

3. Wearing spiked shoes while you mow can aerate your lawn.

Aerating your lawn by wearing spiked shoes when you mow is not only ineffective, but it can actually cause even more compression under your lawn’s surface. For effective aeration, turn to our time-tested core aeration treatments.

Our Proven Residential Lawn Care in Janesville

Skip the lawn care myths. At Lawn Doctor of Madison, we take the uncertainty out of the lawn care equation by utilizing proven treatment methods and cutting-edge equipment that produces top-notch results every time.

We offer our proven residential lawn care solutions to homeowners located all over the area. Here are the communities we serve:

  • Janesville
  • Madison
  • Middleton
  • Verona
  • Stoughton
  • Fitchburg
  • And throughout the surrounding areas

For residential lawn care in Janesville, contact us today!