Lawn Aeration in Longmont: Why Choose Our Professional Services

green grass from Lawn Aeration in Longmont.

Your lawn takes a beating over summer and, as a result, soil can become compacted. When it does, nutrients, water and air can’t reach roots. That’s where Lawn Doctor of Longmont-Boulder comes in. As lawn aeration experts, serving Longmont, Boulder and other nearby areas in CO, we can open up your yard, so critical, life-giving essentials get deep into the root zone. As a result, your turf will grow in thicker, greener and stronger, all with services backed by one of the strongest guarantees around.

How Our Lawn Aeration Approach Works & Why It’s Better

Every lawn needs to be aerated at one time or another, whether due to high foot traffic, heavy rainfall, soil made from clay particles, or driving or parking vehicles on your yard. This leads to compaction, which can eventually strangle roots, as well as cut off other essentials, like nutrients and water.

But aeration from Lawn Doctor of Longmont-Boulder can completely alleviate it. We use a process called core aeration, which is the most effective technique and works by coring out small plugs of soil in a systematic way from across your lawn. This opens it up to more air, water and nutrients and also cuts through heavy surface thatch.

Early fall is generally one of the best times of year in Longmont for lawn aeration because your grass is still growing. It can therefore fill in the holes left behind by aeration, all with less competition from weeds. As a result, over time, your lawn will emerge lush, green and healthy, boosting curb appeal and home value in the process.

Turn to Longmont’s Lawn Aeration Experts Today!

Lawn Doctor of Longmont-Boulder provides a tailored approach to our services, including aeration. We’ll take time to evaluate your lawn to measure the level of compaction, as well as assess whether seeding is needed as well. Whatever the shape of your yard, we’ll dramatically improve it with results you’ll often start to see in just a few weeks.

For a lawn that looks better and grows in healthier and stronger, our aeration team is here for you in many local communities, including:

  • Longmont
  • Boulder
  • Erie
  • Firestone
  • Frederick
  • Mead
  • Niwot
  • Lafayette
  • Louisville
  • Superior
  • And throughout other nearby areas

For lawn aeration in Longmont, CO that will get your yard greener and healthier, contact us today for a free consultation!