Lawn Aeration in Saratoga Springs

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Lawn Aeration in Saratoga Springs

When the foundation of your lawn becomes so compacted that water and air can no longer reach grass roots, this spells trouble for the growth of your turf. Lawn aeration is the process of loosening up compressed soil, reversing compaction, and helping prevent further damage to your yard. As with most lawn care treatments, aeration must be timed precisely. With our team conducting aeration, you can trust that your lawn in Saratoga Springs will be prepared for a healthy growing season.

Is It Time For Lawn Aeration in Saratoga Springs?

At Lawn Doctor of Lehi-American Fork-Saratoga Springs, we know that many homeowners are eager to experience the benefits of aeration. When you understand how to spot the signs that soil has become compacted and have a general schedule in mind for when to have your lawn aerated, you can make sure this task is completed with the optimal regularity.

Signs You Need Aeration

Do you often see puddles on your lawn after only a light rain? This and other evidence of water drainage issues are a red flag that the soil is too dense to allow water through. Furthermore, if areas of heavy foot traffic are visible on your turf, the constant pressure has probably compressed the soil underneath.

For a better understanding of just how dense your soil is, you can do what we like to call the “screwdriver test.” Just take a regular screwdriver or even a pen or pencil and try to insert it into the soil without applying too much pressure. If you feel a lot of resistance or can’t even penetrate the ground, you’re likely dealing with troublesome compaction.

How Often Aeration Is Necessary

Most lawns should be aerated on an annual basis, although some can stay healthy for two years in between aeration sessions. If you often park vehicles on your lawn or have clay soil, more frequent aeration is likely a necessity.

Get Started With Lawn Aeration in Saratoga Springs

When you get started with our lawn aeration services, you can trust that we will schedule treatments with the right frequency and at the right time within the growth cycle of your grass species. That way, grass roots will have a chance to stretch out and thrive when the peak growing season hits.

Our services promote lawn health in:

  • Saratoga Springs
  • Lehi
  • Sandy
  • American Fork
  • Riverton
  • Pleasant Grove
  • And throughout the surrounding area

For lawn aeration in Saratoga Springs,contact us today!