Spring Lawn Care in Lancaster: Get Started Now with These Winter Tips

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass from our Spring Lawn Care in Lancaster

Winter can often be unpredictable and put your lawn at risk. Make sure it’s well protected now, so it can make it through tough conditions and come back stronger in spring. Not sure how to do that? The team at Lawn Doctor of Lancaster can help. As local spring lawn care experts in the Lancaster, PA area, we know which steps to take to put your turf in the best position for beautiful growth down the line. Here’s a look.

What Lawn Care Steps You Can Take to Create a Strong Comeback in Spring

You have a lot on your to-do list at this time of the year. But that doesn’t mean you can ignore your yard. There’s still lawn care work that needs to be done to make sure diseases and insects don’t infect during the Lancaster area’s long winter, impacting turf health and appearance in spring. One of the most important steps is to rake up leaves and remove any clutter on your yard. These create the perfect hiding spot for pests, as well as wet, dark conditions optimal for fungal infections.

In addition, another way to protect your turf once snow and ice hit is to salt carefully around your grass. Salt can protect you and your family from slips and falls, but is damaging to grass. On top of that, try to limit foot traffic. A dormant lawn can handle some, but too much of it will compromise its overall health.

How Our Lancaster Spring Lawn Care Experts Can Make a Difference in Your Yard

If you want your grass to emerge beautifully green in spring, there’s more to lawn care at this time of year in the Lancaster area than the steps above. Your turf also needs a few treatments and Lawn Doctor of Lancaster can deliver them. This includes with our:

Lawn Maintainer program. This program not only combines essential services, such as fertilization and weed control, but does so in a way that they’re delivered at optimal points of each season.

Tree and Shrub Care program. Our team knows how to protect your larger plantings from insects and diseases, as well as fuel them so roots grow deeper in winter and foliage emerges brighter in spring.

Individual treatments. From core aeration and pH balancing to fertilization and more, we offer a range of individual solutions to meet your turf’s needs today, tomorrow, and in the months ahead.

For spring lawn care in Lancaster, PA, contact us today for a free consultation! We also offer spring lawn care in other nearby areas, including York, Elizabethtown, Lititz, and Manheim.