Residential Lawn Care in Lancaster: 4 Lawn Terms You Should Know

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Residential Lawn Care in Lancaster

When it comes to identifying threats to your lawn’s health, diagnosing existing issues, and applying treatments, a lot of unique terminologies are involved. While these terms are used frequently in lawn care, many homeowners are unsure of what they exactly mean in relation to their specific lawn. Below, we’ll highlight a few of these must-know terms and how they fit into our residential lawn care in the Lancaster, PA, area.

Essential Lawn Care Terms

Lawn care’s unique language consists of a long list of industry-specific terms. Here’s a closer look at some of the essential terminology that you may not already know:

1. Aeration

When soil is compressed, it hinders the essential circulation of nutrients and water to your lawn’s root systems. Because of this, it’s important to break up compacted soil when it forms. This process is known as “aeration,” and it can be performed with a variety of tools, from handheld implements to heavy-duty machinery.

2. Anaerobic

Oxygen supports the processes necessary for your lawn to stay healthy. However, compacted soil and other issues can prevent oxygen from reaching your root systems effectively. When lawns are running low on oxygen, we describe them as “anaerobic,” meaning “without oxygen.”

3. Pre-Emergent

We utilize comprehensive treatments to fight a wide range of weeds. Some of these weeds are called “pre-emergent” weeds. This simply refers to weeds that are still immature and haven’t yet broken through the surface of your lawn.

4. Post-Emergent

Post-emergent weeds, unlike pre-emergent weeds, have broken through your lawn’s surface. Addressing these weeds quickly is vital due to the damage they can cause to your lawn and how rapidly they can spread.

Our Residential Lawn Care in Lancaster

Choosing our residential lawn care means choosing personalized service. We’ll tailor our treatments around your lawn’s unique needs while also being available to answer your questions, terminology-related or not, through every step of the process.

We offer top-notch residential lawn care to our neighbors in these areas:

  • Lancaster
  • York
  • Elizabethtown
  • Lititz
  • Manheim
  • Lancaster County
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

For residential lawn care in Lancaster, contact us today!