Residential Lawn Care in Elizabethtown: Examining Common Lawn Care Myths

Couple laying on grass after Lawn Doctor provided Residential Lawn Care in Elizabethtown

Keeping your yard looking its best requires ongoing maintenance, and there’s a lot of misinformation out there on how to best to carry it out. Some of this maintenance is completely harmless. However, putting some lawn care myths into practice can be a detriment to your yard’s overall development. Below, we’ll take a look at some of the most common myths surrounding residential lawn care in the Elizabethtown, PA area.

Common Residential Lawn Care Myths

Separating lawn care fact from fiction is important for keeping your yard healthy and looking its best. Here’s a closer look at some of the most common lawn care myths out there:

Fertilization is only necessary once or twice per year. The goal of lawn fertilization is to maintain a healthy balance of nutrients that supports continuous grass growth. Fertilizing just once or twice in a year isn’t enough to effectively maintain this balance. To bring out the best in your yard, 4-6 fertilizer applications are necessary.

Watering the lawn is best done at night. Watering your lawn during a specific time of day is the best way to get more out of watering, but that’s not at night. Watering at night can actually be detrimental to your lawn, as it can lead to the development of mildew and other lawn diseases. For the best results from watering, make sure to do it early in the morning.

Mowing grass short saves you time. Mowing your grass too short, while it technically does mean mowing less often, can lead to significant issues with your lawn’s overall health. When you mow your grass too short, it makes your lawn more likely to be invaded by weeds, while also making it more susceptible to sun damage, lawn diseases, and a long list of other issues.

Our Professional Residential Lawn Care in Elizabethtown

At Lawn Doctor of Lancaster, we utilize proven treatments to take the uncertainty out of lawn care. With our comprehensive approach and our top-of-the-line products, we’ll bring you results you can depend on with every treatment.

We offer professional residential lawn care solutions to our neighbors located throughout the following communities:

  • Elizabethtown
  • Lancaster
  • York
  • Lititz
  • Manheim
  • Lancaster County
  • And throughout the surrounding areas

For residential lawn care in Elizabethtown, contact us today!