Lawn Maintenance in Onalaska, WI: Tips for Thicker Growth

extremely green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Lawn Maintenance in Onalaska.

Bringing out the best in your home’s outdoor spaces means achieving and maintaining a thick and thriving lawn. However, when looking after a lawn on your own, addressing all the factors that can hinder healthy grass growth can be challenging. For thicker, healthier grass through the seasons, call in the pros. Our team utilizes a full range of proven lawn maintenance solutions to bring thicker grass to our neighbors all over the Onalaska, WI area. But how do our treatments help you achieve thicker grass growth?

Top Tips for Thicker Grass Growth

A lot can be done to boost healthy grass growth and improve the appearance of your yard. Here are a few key tips for healthy grass growth and how our team can help you put these tips into action:

Effective Fertilization

Providing your yard with the proper nutrients is one of the most important things you can do to help it produce healthy grass. Phosphorous is the ingredient in fertilizers that’s most directly related to the production of thick grass, but it needs to be applied in a healthy balance with nitrogen and the other nutrients your yard needs to thrive. With our proven fertilization solutions, we’ll give your yard the right nutrients to grow lush green grass.

Weed Control

Fighting weeds is a part of growing thick grass that’s often overlooked. These invasive plants can take resources away from your grass while leaving less room for it to grow. With our proven weed control solutions, our team quickly and effectively eliminates a wide range of invasive weeds.

Breaking Up Compacted Soil

Compacted soil inhibits healthy grass growth by preventing resources from reaching your lawn’s root systems. At Lawn Doctor of La Crosse, we utilize proven core aeration solutions to quickly and effectively break up compacted soil and restore the essential circulation of resources underneath the surface of your lawn.

Our Guaranteed Lawn Maintenance in Onalaska, WI

Choosing our proven lawn maintenance means choosing peace of mind. With our comprehensive guarantee, we’ll bring you thicker grass without the uncertainty that comes with treating your yard on your own.

We offer proven lawn maintenance to our neighbors in these areas:

  • Onalaska, WI
  • La Crosse, WI
  • Winona, MN
  • La Crescent, MN
  • West Salem, WI
  • La Crosse County, WI
  • Holmen, WI
  • Goodview, MN
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

For lawn maintenance in Onalaska, WI, contact us today!