Lawn Treatment in Maryville: Options for Struggling Turf

lawn treatment in Maryville

Is your turf defying your attempts to make it greener, denser, and generally healthier? There may be several reasons why it seems impossible to bring your landscape to a high standard of health. You can depend on the Lawn Doctor of West Knoxville team to pinpoint the factors halting healthy grass growth in your yard and provide the necessary lawn treatments to turn this situation around. Our services improve turf-scapes in Maryville and beyond, allowing homeowners to find respite from the constant hassle of trial and error.

How We May Suggest Treating Your Struggling Lawn

To provide the best results possible, our technicians follow a step-by-step methodology to bring local lawns to a baseline level of health. The first step in this process is carefully evaluating the lawn, with an up-close look at the soil and grass and an assessment of external threats such as weeds. The data gathered during this visit can then be used to design a customized program of lawn treatments.

The list below offers a quick overview of lawn treatments we often recommend for yards that are looking a little worse for wear:

  • Core Aeration. Soil compaction and excessive thatch can cause significant problems for the health of your yard. Core aeration can prevent and reverse these issues, making it an essential step for many struggling lawns.
  • Power Seeding. Our team can revitalize your turf-scape using our Turf Tamer® machinery and carefully selected grass seed, laying a solid foundation for dense and healthy grass growth.
  • Fertilization. Ongoing fertilization will give your grass the nitrogen and other nutrients it craves on a regular basis. We conduct this process using proven professional techniques and top-tier formulas, leading to a visibly greener, healthier yard.
  • pH Balancing. Our technicians can test your soil to find out whether its pH is in the optimal range. If it falls too far on the acidic or alkaline spectrum, our balancing treatment will return it to a healthy 6.5-7.0.

Start Benefiting From Our Lawn Treatments in Maryville!

From our extensive range of lawn treatments to our customer satisfaction guarantee and unbeatable knowledge, there are plenty of reasons to choose our team to address your yard’s needs in:

  • Maryville
  • Knoxville
  • Sevierville
  • Loudon
  • Jefferson City
  • Vonore
  • Oak Ridge
  • Or a community in the surrounding area

For lawn treatments in Maryville,contact us today!