How Our Lawn Care Services in Keller Fix Common Problems

extremely green grass photo fills entire frame showing lawn care services in KellerFrom insects and weeds to drought stress and deficiencies, your lawn faces a host of challenges during every season. The good news is that Lawn Doctor of Keller-Southlake-NW Fort Worth can offer the helping hand you need when problems spread. As local lawn care service experts in the Keller, TX area, we understand the pressure your turf is facing and how to treat it when issues arise. Just some of the areas we’re often called in to handle include:

The Problem: Dandelions spreading.

How We Can Solve It: With its long taproot, this stubborn weed can be especially hard to eradicate. You have to fully remove or kill the entire root, otherwise it will simply regrow. But with lawn care services from Lawn Doctor of Keller-Southlake-NW Fort Worth, getting rid of them is easy. We offer the potent broadleaf treatments needed to fully suppress this aggressive weed. We can also take a preventative approach with our pre-emergent applications for sub-surface control and core aeration services, which loosen up the compacted soil dandelions thrive in.

The Problem: Fire ants invading.

How We Can Solve It: These pests are not only damaging to your lawn, but dangerous for your family. If you’re seeing them, reclaim control with Lawn Doctor of Keller-Southlake-NW Fort Worth’s lawn care services. With a single treatment, we’ll suppress the activity in your lawn and provide the protection and peace of mind you want. Our treatments even last for a full year, so you can enjoy life outside for the entire season without worry.

The Problem: Nutrients lacking.

How We Can Solve It: When you’re seeing issues with growth and color, a lack of nutrients is often the culprit. Let the lawn care service team at Lawn Doctor of Keller-Southlake-NW Fort Worth find out what’s missing in your soil. We’ll then develop a customized treatment plan that includes products we can adjust to meet the exact nutritional needs of your lawn.

Why We’re Keller’s Choice for Lawn Care Services

Want a green, healthy lawn, minus all the problems? Lawn Doctor of Keller-Southlake-NW Fort Worth can help you achieve it with our ongoing, three-part lawn care service program: Lawn Maintainer. It delivers all the essentials your yard needs, including fertilization, pre-emergent weed control, and broadleaf and grassy weed treatments. Services are also tailored to your lawn’s features, such as grass types, as well as our North Texas climate. Through it, you can expect better growth, bolder color, and more beautiful curb appeal, guaranteed.

Call our team today at (817) 577-1405 for your free consultation and to learn more about our lawn care services, offered across the Keller, NW Fort Worth, Southlake, and Haslet, TX areas.