Spring Lawn Care in Hot Springs: Get Started Now with These Winter Tips

Green Grass from Lawn Doctor's Spring Lawn Care in Hot Springs

Though the weather isn’t as harsh in Arkansas at this time of the year as other parts of the country, it can still take a toll on your lawn. From dropping temperatures to injury and disease, there are plenty of threats that can put your turf’s health at risk. But the team at Lawn Doctor of Hot Springs can help you protect it. As spring lawn care experts in the Hot Springs, AR area, we know everything your grass needs now to come roaring back to life in the next growing season. Here are some tips and treatments to consider.

What Lawn Care Steps You Can Take to Create a Strong Comeback in Spring

Whether you have cool- or warm-season grasses in your lawn, they’re going to go dormant at this time of the year. This means they stop growing, making them more vulnerable to problems. To prevent injury and damage, be sure to:

Stay off your lawn as much as possible. This can be difficult when you have kids, but trampling across your grass on a regular basis when it’s dormant can severely stress and weaken it, since it’s more brittle. So try to limit foot traffic during the cold-weather months.

Get rid of debris and clutter. From organic debris, like leaves and twigs, to furniture, toys, and equipment, make sure your lawn is clean and clear of all these items so they’re not creating dark, wet conditions. If you don’t, your lawn will be more prone to issues with rot and other diseases.

Winterize your equipment. To give your grass all it needs during the Hot Springs area’s next spring season, now’s a good time to winterize your mower, close down your irrigation equipment, and tune up any other lawn care equipment you use regularly. That way they’re all ready to go and in the best shape possible once grass starts growing again.

How Our Hot Springs Spring Lawn Care Experts Can Make a Difference in Your Yard

Besides the steps above, there are some professional lawn care treatments Lawn Doctor of Hot Springs can deliver to promote stronger defenses now and lusher, greener growth down the line. Whether it’s individual winter or spring treatments or ongoing plans from one month to the next, we’ve got everything your yard needs today, tomorrow, and in the seasons to come, all without hassle.

For spring lawn care in Hot Springs, AR, contact us today for a free consultation! We also offer spring lawn care in Arkadelphia, Malvern, Hot Springs Village, and Glenwood.