Fall Lawn Care in Hoover: Tips for a Dazzling Spring Lawn

Father and daughter playing ball on a green lawn with trees in background showing fall lawn care in HooverThere are a handful of maintenance tasks that are required to keep your lawn healthy throughout the year. However, extra precautions need to be taken to keep your lawn healthy through the winter. When you work with our team at Lawn Doctor of Birmingham-Hoover, you gain access to proven treatments and comprehensive programs that will maximize your lawn’s health so it can survive the winter and thrive in the spring. With our fall lawn care in Hoover, Alabaster, Birmingham, Chelsea, Greystone, Helena, Homewood, Moutain Brook, Trussville, Vestavia, and Vestavia Hills, AL, we get local lawns ready for the winter without the hassles of DIY.

How Our Fall Lawn Care In Hoover Helps Lawns Stay Healthy Through the Winter

To give your lawn everything that it needs to stay healthy through the winter months, it can take a long list of separate processes. Administering all of these essential lawn care processes on your own can be a drain on your time and energy. With the fall lawn care programs we offer at Lawn Doctor of Birmingham-Hoover, we’ll prepare your lawn for the year’s colder months without sacrificing convenience. Here are a few of the treatments we utilize to keep area lawns healthy until warm weather returns:

Fertilization. Keeping your lawn enriched with nutrients is an essential part of maintaining its health through the year. Because of the shortened daylight hours, dipping temperatures, and other environmental changes that can come with winter, your lawn can require more nutrients to stay healthy. Our fertilization treatments utilize proven techniques and custom-blended fertilizers to optimize your yard’s nutrient density for increased resilience to the cold.

Core Aeration. With increased activity and foot traffic in your lawn during the warmer months, the damage to your soil can add up. Compacted soil can be extremely detrimental to your yard’s overall health by blocking the essential circulation of nutrients, oxygen, and water that your yard needs to grow and thrive. With our core aeration treatments, we’ll break up compacted soil and restore the free flow of the elements your lawn needs to survive through the many threats of winter.

Call Lawn Doctor of Birmingham-Hoover today at (205) 942-3989 for additional information on our fall lawn care in Hoover, Alabaster, Birmingham, Chelsea, Greystone, Helena, Homewood, Mountain Brook, Trussville, Vestavia, Vestavia Hills, and the surrounding communities.