Why Watering May Be Harmful to Your Grass and Seed

To water grass seed or not? How long do we keep waiting for rain? All water is not equal, even if it was created that way. Too much water from public systems can even slow germination. And growing grass with 100% Rain water just isn’t realistic forcing you to supplement with irrigation.

Many people are relying almost exclusively on irrigation due to our limited rain. Using sprinklers attached to your home’s water is fine up to a point. But nearly all water from public water systems uses chemicals that are neccessary for a safe water supply but aweful for grass in large amounts.

Some of the chemicals in drinking water that need rain dilution to avoid plant damage;

  • Salt (from water softeners), makes soil acidic, changes PH and damages grass, can be offset by occasional gypsum applications.
  • Chlorine, used to kill bacteria in water but kills bacteria necessary for healthy soil and roots. Can be offset by adding microbial bacteria and humic acids back to the soil.
  • Flouride, actually outlawed in Europe’s water supply, and a component of our most effective herbicides. Fluorine works by blocking Photosyntesis, essentially starving a plant to death.