Lawn Fertilization in Duluth

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Lawn Fertilization in Duluth

Spending time in your lawn should be a pleasure. If, however, your grass is patchy and pale and needs lawn fertilization treatments, it takes away from your enjoyment. Let Lawn Doctor of Dunwoody, Duluth, & Norcross step in and bring it back to life. We offer custom-tailored fertilization in many local GA areas, from Duluth to Dunwoody. We understand local turfgrasses, what nutrients they need, and when to apply them. We’ll get your grass green and lush in no time. We even guarantee it.

Professional Lawn Fertilization 101: What to Know First

Have questions about the process? At Lawn Doctor of Dunwoody, Duluth, & Norcross, we have the answers you’re looking for about lawn fertilization. Below are a few we often get along with our responses to each. If there’s more you’d like to know, simply call our team.

Is fertilization necessary if my grass is healthy? Every lawn needs to be fertilized, even if yours is healthy. Fertilizer is food and fuels a strong root system, promotes excellent color and thickness, and helps your lawn build up defenses.

Should I water before Lawn Doctor of Dunwoody, Duluth, & Norcross fertilizes? Watering is helpful, particularly if the ground is hard and dry. This will soften it, so the fertilizer gets better absorbed after we treat your lawn.

Should I mow my lawn, too? Mowing is helpful since it removes debris and organic matter, as well as cuts down on grass height. This means fertilizer has an easier time reaching the soil, making the treatment more effective.

Are there any steps to take once you’re done? Watering is an important part of fertilization. However, when and how much depends on the product we apply. We’ll explain exactly what to do once we’re done treating your lawn, so you know next steps to take.

When can my kids or pets go back on my lawn? Once you water your lawn, let another 24 hours pass. It’s then safe for children and pets to go back onto your lawn.

Serving Duluth with Lawn Fertilization

Your lawn is where you grill, entertain, and relax with your family. Let us transform the space into one you love with our fertilization treatments. We’ll get grass soft and green, so it’s a comfortable and beautiful. Best of all? You don’t have to lift a finger.

Our team is here for you with lawn fertilization services across:

  • Duluth
  • Dunwoody
  • Sandy Springs
  • Norcross
  • Doraville
  • Chamblee
  • And the surrounding areas

Get greener, healthier grass with our lawn fertilization in Duluth, GA. Simply contact us today for a free estimate!