Lawn Aeration in Dunwoody

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Lawn Aeration in Dunwoody

Healthy turf grass depends on air and water, both of which get absorbed through turf’s roots. This is why lawn aeration is so important for growing a thick and resilient lawn. Without proper aeration, air and water cannot pass through the soil, resulting in serious problems for turf. At Lawn Doctor of Dunwoody, Duluth, & Norcross, our aeration treatments offer a perfect solution for lawns suffering from poorly aerated soil, giving your turf a chance to thrive.

The Importance of Lawn Aeration in Dunwoody

Soil aeration is a critical factor for growing and sustaining healthy turf. Unfortunately, it’s something that many homeowners neglect. As a result, they end up with sections of brittle, sparse, yellowing turf.

To understand the importance of lawn aeration, it’s worth considering how healthy soil functions. With proper aeration, soil is filled with tiny crevices and pockets. This allows the soil to breathe when dry, so air can reach turf’s roots. After watering or rainfall, these crevices and pockets become filled with water, so turf and other plants can hydrate themselves.

But what happens when soil gets packed too tight? In that case, most of these crevices and pockets are sealed off. Soil can no longer breathe, nor can it absorb liquids. Air and water stop reaching turf’s roots, causing grass to struggle.

The three most common reasons for compacted soil are foot traffic, heavy objects, and pooling water. This means that lawns with compacted soil usually suffer from uneven growth. Turf may thrive in certain areas, while struggling in areas with soil compaction. So if you notice patchy sections in an otherwise healthy lawn, there’s a strong chance your lawn needs an aeration treatment.

One way to test whether your yard is suffering from soil compaction is through something called the screwdriver test. Simply take a screwdriver and try to insert the head into your lawn’s soil. If the soil offers resistance, that’s a strong sign of compaction. That’s when it’s time to call the team at Lawn Doctor of Dunwoody, Duluth, & Norcross!

Core Aeration Services in Your Area

There are two basic types of lawn aeration: spike aeration and core aeration. Spike aeration is a popular choice among DIYers, but it’s not as effective or long-lasting as core aeration. That’s why Lawn Doctor of Dunwoody, Duluth, & Norcross exclusively offers core aeration to local homeowners.

We perform our aeration treatments using Turf Tamer® equipment. We extract small cores of soil at regular intervals to loosen soil and ensure consistent aeration, with long-lasting results.

Our aeration services are available throughout:

  • Dunwoody
  • Sandy Springs
  • Norcross
  • Duluth
  • Doraville
  • Chamblee
  • and in the surrounding areas

For lawn aeration in Dunwoody, contact us today!