Lawn Maintenance in South Huntsville

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Lawn Maintenance in South Huntsville
Lush, green grass makes a big difference in the appearance of your yard. However, growing a covering of thick grass requires some know-how. So how do you promote and maintain healthy grass growth? Below, we’ll walk you through a few key tips for growing thicker grass and take a closer look at how our professional lawn maintenance helps South Huntsville residents keep their lawns healthy, green, and looking their best through the seasons.

Top Tips for Thicker Grass Growth

There are several steps that need to be taken to promote the growth of lush green grass. Here’s a closer look at a few of them:

Fertilize Effectively

Your yard needs the right nutrients in the right amounts to reach its fullest potential. And although phosphorous is essential for thick grass growth, failing to balance it with potassium, nitrogen, and other nutrients can quickly lead to imbalances that can put your yard’s overall health at risk. At Lawn Doctor of Madison-Decatur, we utilize proven fertilization solutions that use custom-blended fertilizers and give your yard exactly what it needs to thrive.

Fight Weeds

In addition to turning your yard into an eyesore, infestations of weeds drain away the resources your yard needs to grow. Because of the resources they take up, fighting them is essential for growing and maintaining thick, healthy grass. That’s where our comprehensive weed control solutions come in. Our treatments make quick work of both pre-emergent and post-emergent weeds to protect your grass and free up precious resources.

Maintain Healthy Soil

Healthy soil is crucial when it comes to maintaining healthy grass. With our core aeration and pH balancing solutions, we’ll optimize your soil’s composition and acidity levels to create an environment in which your grass can more easily thrive.

Our Comprehensive Lawn Maintenance in South Huntsville

To bring out the best in local lawns, we utilize a comprehensive approach to lawn maintenance. Along with completing the steps outlined above, our team will work with you to fight pests, address problem areas and risk factors, and improve your lawn’s overall health.

We offer top-notch lawn maintenance to our neighbors in these areas:

  • South Huntsville
  • Madison
  • Decatur
  • Hartselle
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

For lawn maintenance in South Huntsville, contact us today!