Fall Lawn Care in Madison-Decatur, AL: Tips for a Dazzling Spring Lawn

Father and daughter playing ball on a green lawn with trees in background showing fall lawn care in Madison, ALKeeping your lawn healthy through the colder months can be a tricky. Winter can be hard on your lawn, and it takes dedicated preparations to help your lawn make it through to spring with its health intact. At Lawn Doctor of Madison-Decatur-South Huntsville, we use a proven approach to get local lawns healthy and ready for winter, regardless of their current bill of health. With our fall lawn care in Madison-Decatur and Hartselle, AL, we maximize the health of local lawns so they can look their best when spring comes around.

How Our Fall Lawn Care Gets Madison-Decatur, AL Lawns Ready for Winter

Making the appropriate preparations in the fall is a crucial part of ensuring that your lawn remains healthy through the changing of the seasons. However, taking on all of these preparations on your own can be a handful. With our hassle-free applications and cutting-edge treatments, we’ll boost your lawn’s health and get it geared up for winter with none of the hassle.

Fertilization. One of the biggest parts of keeping your lawn healthy through the winter is making sure that it has the nutrients it needs to support itself through colder temperatures, moisture variations, and less sunshine. Our fertilization treatments will optimize and replenish your lawn’s nutrient stores to keep it healthy through the winter months. We implement these treatments with custom-blended fertilizers for quick, long-lasting results.

Core Aeration. If you’ve been enjoying your lawn all summer, chances are that the soil has accumulated a bit of damage. Foot traffic can eventually cause your lawn’s soil to become compacted, which hinders the essential circulation of nutrients, water and oxygen. We utilize our cutting-edge core aeration treatments to break apart compacted soil, relieve the compression it causes and restore healthy circulation to your lawn for improved health in the long run.

pH Balancing. A commonly-overlooked part of preparing lawns for winter is making sure that they have healthy acidity levels. With too much or too little acidity, your lawn can have trouble effectively making use of the nutrients in the soil. Our pH balancing and lime treatments will help to adjust your lawn’s acidity back to the ideal levels for better nutrient-utilization and a lasting boost in long-term health.

Call Lawn Doctor of Madison-Decatur-South Huntsville today at (256) 355-4362 to learn more about our fall lawn care in Madison-Decatur, Hartselle, and the surrounding AL areas.