Grub Control in Copperfield: A Homeowner’s Guide

Grub Control in Copperfield

As part of our grub control service for Copperfield area homeowners, Lawn Doctor of Cypress would like to share some useful facts about these pests. Let’s take a look.

What are Grubs?

Have you ever noticed any small, white worms living in your soil? Grubs are the C-shaped larvae of Japanese beetles that live within your soil and eat the roots of your turf. Due to the damage that can potentially result from these pests, it’s always a good idea to be proactive in protecting your yard from grubs.

How Do These Pests Hurt My Lawn?

With their habit of chewing on your turf roots, grub activity in your soil is always bad for your lawn. These pests can weaken your root system, thereby preventing proper function throughout your lawn. This will lead to poor growth, weakened health, and a significant downgrade in aesthetic appeal. Also, grubs are a plentiful food source for a wide array of wild animals, so a grub infestation can also lead to further damage as these creatures dig through your turf.

Warning Signs of a Grub Infestation

With the negative impact these pests can have on your lawn, it’s always best to treat the issue in the early stages. So, we advise every homeowner to familiarize themselves with the warning signs of a grub infestation. Here are some things to look for:

  • Loss of green color. A lawn that is infested with grubs will often turn a bland shade of yellow.
  • Drought effects. Grub issues can cause symptoms that mirror those of a drought.
  • Thin growth. With their attack on your root system, grubs can make it difficult for your lawn to grow properly, leading to thinning growth.
  • Animal digging. If you see any wild animals rooting around in your soil, they are likely harvesting grubs.

How Our Professional Grub Control in Copperfield Can Help

At Lawn Doctor of Cypress, our grub control includes solutions to prevent and neutralize these pests. We can apply proactive treatment to stop future beetle reproduction in your yard, or deliver powerful treatments to neutralize existing grub issues. When we’re done, we’ll assess the damage done to your lawn and provide a detailed restoration plan.

We are proud to offer our grub control services throughout:

  • Copperfield
  • Cypress
  • Spring
  • Windermere Lake
  • And the surrounding areas

For grub control in Copperfield, contact us today.