Flea Control in Cypress: Tips for Pet Owners

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Flea Control in Cypress

Our team of flea control specialists at Lawn Doctor of Cypress can help you create a safer outdoor environment for your pets. We know that when furry friends are a part of your family, fleas represent a real risk. With support from our experts, you can ensure you’re taking all the necessary steps to protect your yard, home, and pets.

Protect Your Pets in Cypress With These Steps

When it comes to flea control and prevention, taking a multi-pronged approach is key. As these critters are so small, having several layers of protection is your best bet for keeping them at bay.

Necessary steps include:

  • Inspecting, bathing, and brushing your pet regularly. Take a close look at your pet’s fur frequently to ensure they aren’t carrying fleas around, and wash and groom them often to help keep their coats clean.
  • Adjusting your landscaping and lawn care habits. When you know that fleas love shaded and wet environments, you’ll have a better idea of how to keep them off your lawn. Mow frequently to prevent tall grass from becoming a flea habitat, remove wood piles, and avoid overwatering your yard.
  • Understanding the danger of strays and wild animals. Your pet can pick up fleas from stray animals, who are frequent carriers of these pests. To keep strays off your property, avoid leaving pet food outdoors and ensure you have a sturdy fence.
  • Getting started with professional flea control treatments. The treatments applied by our experienced team will significantly lower the number of fleas already on your lawn, helping to stop current infestations. Furthermore, we can return as needed to maintain a protective shield on your property that protects your pets and home from fleas.

How Our Flea Control Treatments Can Help

We encourage you to reach out for more information about how professional flea control treatments can play a role in your strategy for flea prevention. Not only are these treatments effective at knocking out pests, but they also offer the security of one of the best guarantees in the business.

Our technicians are ready to provide you with peace of mind in:

  • Cypress
  • Copperfield
  • Spring
  • Windermere Lake
  • Or a community in the surrounding area

For flea control in Cypress,contact us today!