Residential Lawn Care in Greeneville: 4 Lawn Terms You Should Know

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Residential Lawn Care in Greeneville

Your home’s outdoor spaces need maintenance to fend off external threats and look their best from season to season. When our technicians at Lawn Doctor of Greeneville-Morristown-Rogersville come by to administer this maintenance, you may hear them use some lawn care-specific terminology that you’re not familiar with. We’ll highlight a few must-know residential lawn care terms for local homeowners below.

Essential Lawn Care Terminology

There’s an extensive list of lawn care-related terms that you may hear at one point or another during the treatment process. Let’s take a closer look at some essential lawn care vocabulary:


Without nutrients, your lawn won’t be able to support continuous grass growth from season to season. These nutrients, however, aren’t all needed in the same quantities. Nutrients that are only needed in small concentrations are referred to as “micronutrients,” and include resources like chromium, iodine, and cobalt.


While micronutrients are necessary in smaller doses, others are required in larger concentrations. These nutrients, called “macronutrients,” are needed in large amounts on a consistent basis to help your lawn stay healthy. These nutrients include phosphorous, potassium, and nitrogen, which is why fertilizers will generally have labels identifying the concentrations specifically of these three nutrients.


There are several invasive plants that can threaten your lawn’s health. The products we use to fight these invasive plants are called “herbicides.” There’s a wide range of different herbicides out there, but our team utilizes some of the industry’s most advanced herbicides to bring you results you can trust with every visit.


Just as there are products to fight invasive plants, there are also products to fight fungus. These products, called “fungicides,” are generally used to fight the fungi that cause lawn diseases like brown patch and red thread.

Our Residential Lawn Care in Greeneville

Working with our team at Lawn Doctor of Greeneville-Morristown-Rogersville means getting access to top-notch residential lawn care solutions designed to bring out the best in your lawn. With our top-notch products and our comprehensive approach, we’ll help you keep your lawn healthy and protected from external threats in the long run.

We offer proven residential lawn care to homeowners in these areas:

  • Greeneville
  • Morristown
  • Talbott
  • Church Hill
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

For residential lawn care in Greeneville, contact us today!