Grass Care in Greeneville: What Do I Need To Do?

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Grass Care in Greeneville

Maintaining a healthy, consistently-growing lawn means putting in the necessary work. However, if you’re not taking the right steps, even the most dedicated lawn maintenance efforts can lead to subpar results. Below, we’ll highlight some effective lawn maintenance tips to help you get the most out of your efforts. But to keep your lawn looking its best without taking on the ongoing challenges and hidden costs that come with DIY lawn care, choose the professional grass care we offer to our neighbors located all over the Greeneville, TN area.

Crucial Steps for Effective Grass Care

Achieving and maintaining lush, green grass requires taking some key steps. Here’s a closer look at some of these steps and how to get them right:

Dealing with pH issues. Your lawn’s health is largely determined by what’s going on below its surface. Regular soil testing will help you keep an eye on your lawn’s pH level, or its measure of acidity, and alert you to any corrections that need to be made. Correcting your lawn’s pH when it falls outside of the healthy range will help it stay healthier, greener, and stronger through the seasons.

Watering effectively. Watering your lawn is a no-brainer. However, getting the most out of watering requires a little know-how. Watering your lawn to too shallow of a depth causes your lawn to develop root systems that are weak and dry out quickly. To optimize your lawn’s root systems and help them stay more resilient throughout the year, make sure you’re watering to a depth of around 6 to 8 inches.

Mowing to the ideal height. Mowing your lawn is for much more than just keeping up its appearance. Grass that’s too long or too short is more susceptible to brown spots, lawn diseases, and other issues, which is why it’s important to regularly mow it to a height of 3.5 to 4 inches.

Our Proven Grass Care in Greeneville

For a great-looking lawn without the headaches that come with taking its upkeep on by yourself, work with the pros. Our professional grass care utilizes time-tested processes and some of the industry’s most advanced products to bring you top-notch results and a lawn you can be proud of.

We offer professional grass care in these areas:

  • Greeneville
  • Morristown
  • Talbott
  • Church Hill
  • And in the surrounding communities

Local homeowners who need grass care in Greeneville should contact us today!