Weed Control in Chesapeake: How We Can Help

Close up of blades of grass showing weed control in ChesapeakeWhen chickweed, dandelion, clover, and other invasive weeds start making their way into your yard, it can be tricky to get them out on your own. These plants can be extremely resilient, with some maintaining the ability to lie dormant through unfavorable weather conditions and pop up during the next season. When you work with our team at Lawn Doctor of Greater Chesapeake, you gain access to hassle-free treatments and lasting results. With our advanced weed control in Chesapeake, we bring healthier and better-looking lawns to homeowners all over the area.

Our Weed Control Solutions in Chesapeake

Controlling invasive lawn weeds is a task best left to the professionals. DIY weed control solutions often miss the mark due to a one-dimensional approach and the failure to address multiple varieties of weeds. To bring our customers results that last, our technicians implement a multi-faceted approach to weed control that addresses a wide range of different weeds at several points throughout their development. There are three key steps we use to control weeds in Chesapeake lawns:

Pre-Emergent Weed Control. Timing is a crucial element in effectively managing your lawn’s weed populations. One of the best times to address the weeds in your lawn is before they’re able to break through the surface of the soil in the first place. With the advanced pre-emergent weed control treatments we offer at Lawn Doctor of Greater Chesapeake, we fight the populations of weeds in your lawn that are either still in their early stages of development or are lying dormant in wait of more favorable germination conditions.

Broadleaf Weed and Crabgrass Control. Fighting your yard’s active weed populations without also causing damage to the grass and other plants in your lawn can be tricky to manage when you’re administering treatment on your own. Our technicians implement proven broadleaf weed and crabgrass control treatments to drive out active weeds while leaving the rest of the plants in your yard unharmed.

Fertilization. An often-overlooked step in keeping your yard free of weeds is first making sure that it’s healthy. We utilize our fertilization treatments to correct any present nutrient imbalances, improve your yard’s overall health and reinforce its defenses against weeds, pests, and other external threats.

Call Lawn Doctor of Greater Chesapeake today at (757) 436-4265 for more information on how our weed control in Chesapeake and the surrounding area brings lasting results to homeowners.