Lawn Weed Control Service in Great Bridge

lawn care chesapeake expert with clipboard stoops down to provide Lawn Weed Control Service in Great Bridge

If one of your neighbors has a yard bursting with weeds, it’s almost inevitable that those plants will trickle over to your property too. In these situations, you’ll want to consider professional intervention. Our expert lawn weed control service helps Great Bridge homeowners curb the spread of invasive plant species. You won’t have to worry about the condition of your neighbors’ yards again. Instead, we make it easy to achieve a stunning, lush lawn without weeds.

4 Ways We Can Protect Against Invasive Plants 

Plant species like clover, crabgrass, and wild violet have evolved to survive and thrive. When they’ve taken over a piece of property, they’ll start exploring nearby areas, too.

That’s why, if nearby yards are overtaken by these eyesores, we recommend immediate action. For homeowners in Great Bridge, here’s what we can do:

  • We can improve soil composition. Thick, healthy turf helps keep invasive plant species out. But your grass needs the right nutrients to grow and thrive. We carefully analyze soil composition, then apply custom fertilizer blends packed with nutrients. With dense-growing grass, there’s less room for broadleaf and grassy plants to show up.
  • We can re-seed your grass plants. Over time, many lawns grow sparser and patchier, with spots that are completely bare of grass growth. These bare and sparse areas are perfect places for clover, dandelion, and crabgrass to move in. With power seeding services, we re-seed your turf, allowing grass to grow abundantly once again.
  • We can find, treat, and prevent weeds. Different invasive species grow in different seasons, and have their own ways of spreading. To maximize the results of any weed control, we identify the species you’re dealing with, then choose strategic treatments based on those particular plants. That way, we can curb existing eyesores while preventing future ones from appearing.
  • We aerate your turf. Soil can become firmly packed over time, which is bad for grass and great for hardy plants like henbit. That’s why we recommend professional soil aeration. This process loosens soil, creating air pockets that help grass roots grow. With a denser, stronger root system, your grass won’t have to fend off unwanted growth.

Year-Round Lawn Weed Control Services in Great Bridge

When you need lawn weed control services, our experts are here for you year-round. We can travel to:

  • Great Bridge
  • Deep Creek
  • Chesapeake
  • And throughout Norfolk County

Get powerful lawn weed control services in Great Bridge that keep your property healthy and green, just contact us!