Fall Lawn Care in Cape May: Tips for a Dazzling Spring Lawn

Father and daughter playing ball on a green lawn with trees in background showing fall lawn care in Cape MaySummer is stressful for lawns. There’s heat and drought, plus lots of foot traffic. In addition, it’s also prime time for many weeds, diseases, and insects to make an appearance. However, there is good news. By taking some steps during the autumn season, you can help your turf recover and get into great shape for a dazzling comeback next spring. And at Lawn Doctor of Southern Cape May County, we’re here to help. As a provider of fall lawn care in the Cape May, NJ area, we know all the moves you need to make in the weeks ahead, including:

  • Mowing. If your grass is growing, it still needs mowing. So continue to cut until it goes dormant, being careful to keep the height at around three inches so it doesn’t get stressed.
  • Fertilizing. Fall is the ideal time to fertilize, giving your lawn the care and energy it needs to recover from summer and prepare for the cold, harsh Cape May winter ahead.
  • Raking. Get those dead leaves off your lawn so they don’t create soggy, dark conditions where diseases and insects will spread.
  • Suppressing weeds. Take control over weeds before they get established with a pre-emergent treatment that suppresses autumn species, as well as spring perennials.
  • Aerating. Loosen up soil that’s been compacted by heavy summer foot traffic and create openings that facilitate better nutrient, air, and water absorption.
  • Seeding. Don’t let weeds and diseases get established in bare or thin areas. Instead, thicken your lawn with a healthy dose of seed so it can better fight off future attacks.

Let Cape May’s Fall Lawn Care Team Help

A little bit of extra care and attention in the fall can make a big difference during spring. But if you don’t have the time or energy to handle it all on your own, call in the fall lawn care experts at Lawn Doctor of Southern Cape May County. While you handle the routine work – like mowing and raking – we’ll create a one-of-a-kind treatment plan and schedule. It will be designed with your unique lawn in mind, as well as our local growing conditions. This leads to a heartier, healthier turf that looks great in spring.

Get started today by calling Lawn Doctor of Southern Cape May County at (609) 465-3700 for a free consultation. We offer fall lawn care in the Cape May, Cape May Court House, Wildwood, Stone Harbor, Avalon, and Sea Isle City, NJ areas.