Broadleaf Weeds

Broadleaf weeds are a prevalent weed variety in Massachusetts that survive in less than ideal lawn conditions, making them some of the most likely weeds in your lawn. A broadleaf weed is defined by its obvious wide leaves and oftentimes small flowers, as opposed to grassy weeds which can blend in with regular grass. The most common broadleaf weeds Lawn Doctor treats include dandelions, white clover and spurge.



Certain varieties of broadleaf weeds do have benefits. For instance, white clover attracts pollinators, and dandelions can serve as a food source for certain kinds of birds. But, like all other weeds, they can be unsightly in an otherwise well-maintained lawn. To remove broadleaf weeds from your lawn, hand pulling them from the ground when the soil is wet can be effective. The roots of broadleaf weeds can, in extreme cases, extend up to 15 ft below ground, so removing the entire root is essential to ensuring the weed does not return. For more prevalent weed problems, Lawn Doctor offers post-emergent weed spray applications as a part of our Preferred Lawn Care program. We will cater to your lawn’s specific needs with a schedule that’s right for you. If weeds persist, Lawn Doctor resprays them free of charge in between regularly scheduled treatments to ensure your lawn stays healthy and beautiful.