Lawn Care Service in Lower Allen

Lawn Doctor providing Lawn Care Service in Lower Allen

Lawn maintenance is important through every season. However, in the fall, maximizing your lawn’s health becomes particularly important. Fall lawn maintenance doesn’t only keep your yard looking its best through Thanksgiving, but it also determines its health through the winter and into the spring. Below, we’ll go through a few key fall lawn care service options and maintenance tips for keeping Lower Allen, PA lawns at their healthiest over time.

Lawn Care Service for a Healthy Fall Lawn

There are certain lawn maintenance tasks that become more important as winter closes in. Here’s a quick look at some of the most important steps that can be taken toward effective fall lawn care:

Trim Away Stray Tree Branches. Awkward or out-of-place tree branches can get weighed down with snow and eventually fall in the winter, making trimming them an important step in fall lawn care. Making a point to prune trees and shrubs can make for less cleanup once spring comes back around.

Aerate Your Lawn. If you spend a lot of time outdoors in the summer, it can cause your soil to become compacted when the year comes to a close. Aerating your yard breaks up any compression under the surface of your soil to ensure that oxygen and water can reach your root systems.

Mow Your Grass. Mowing your yard shorter than you normally would at the end of the fall is a great way to give your yard a head start in the spring. This shorter grass length will help your lawn dry out faster, which will help it recover quicker and get back to producing healthy growth.

Clear Out Remaining Weeds. Some weeds can survive through the winter and end up being a problem once the weather warms up again. Effectively addressing these weeds before cold weather closes in is a great way to keep your yard looking its best in the spring.

The Benefits of Choosing Our Lawn Care Service in Lower Allen

Working with our team at Lawn Doctor of Camp Hill-Mechanicsburg means getting a better-looking lawn and avoiding the headaches that come with comprehensive DIY lawn maintenance. We know what local lawns need at every point throughout the year, and we use this knowledge to bring our neighbors lush, green grass.

We offer our fall lawn care service plans to our neighbors in these areas:

  • Lower Allen
  • Camp Hill
  • Mechanicsburg
  • New Cumberland
  • Lemoyne
  • Harrisburg
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

To get started with our lawn care service in Lower Allen, contact us today!