Residential Lawn Care in Bridgewater: Five Terms You Should Know

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass

Your lawn needs effective maintenance to stay healthy and growing through the seasons. And when our team of lawn care pros is administering this maintenance, we may use terms that you’re not totally familiar with. Lawn care has its own vocabulary, and knowing some key terms will help you understand why and how we do what we do. Below, we’ll highlight some essential terms and how they relate to our residential lawn care in Bridgewater, NJ and the surrounding areas.

Must-Know Terms for Residential Lawn Care in Bridgewater

There are several unique terms involved in diagnosing and treating local lawns. Here are some of the most common:

Pre/Post-emergent. Our team utilizes comprehensive weed control to help your lawn stay healthier and looking better through the seasons. When we apply our weed control treatments, you may hear our technicians refer to them as pre-emergent or post-emergent treatments. These terms just refer to whether the treatments are targeting weeds that haven’t yet risen up through the soil (pre-emergent) or weeds that have already popped up in your lawn (post-emergent).

Scalping. How you mow your grass has a major effect on how your lawn grows and fends off external threats. Mowing your grass too short, or scalping, makes it easier for invasive lawn weeds to creep into your home’s outdoor spaces, take root, and spread. Short grass is also more susceptible to sun damage, root development issues, and several other problems.

Thatch. Thatch, the organic layer of material that exists between your grass and your soil, is completely natural. And while a little bit of thatch is normal for a healthy lawn, too much can block out essential resources like water and sunlight.

pH. Your soil’s acidity needs to be within a certain range for your lawn to thrive from season to season. Acidity is measured on a scale called the pH scale. pH stands for potential hydrogen, which tells you the alkalinity or acidity of a substance.

Anaerobic. Oxygen is an essential resource for your lawn’s overall development. Anaerobic refers to your lawn not having enough oxygen, which can happen because of compacted soil and a long list of other reasons.

Lawn Care Services for Local Homes

We offer proven residential lawn care to our neighbors in these areas:

  • Bridgewater
  • Springfield
  • Summit
  • Flemington
  • Clinton
  • Hillsborough
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

Residential lawn care brings lush, green grass to Bridgewater homes. Contact us today to discover the treatments we offer and how they can help you achieve the lawn of your dreams!