Mosquito Spraying in Summit: Our Pro Tips for What Works & What Doesn’t

An Aedes triseriatus mosquito found before Lawn Doctor provided Mosquito Spraying in Summit.

When it comes to keeping these pests in check, it’s hard to know what works and what doesn’t. Take it from our mosquito spraying team, serving Summit, Bridgewater, and nearby areas in NJ, some products provide plenty of protection and others are just hype. How can you tell the difference? Here’s what to know.

Look for products containing DEET or picaridin. These have been tested and proven to repel mosquitoes. If you’d prefer something that’s more natural, another option is mosquito repellent with lemon eucalyptus oil in it. This is also effective and even recommended by the CDC.

Place a fan on your patio, porch, or deck. Mosquitoes aren’t strong fliers, so this can help keep them away. It also helps clear up the body odors and carbon dioxide that are attracting them.

Remove any areas with standing water in your yard. Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water, so empty out buckets and tarps, clean out clogged gutters, and refresh the water in your bird bath each week.

Avoid the apps you can download to your phone or devices you can wear. They claim to keep mosquitoes away by emitting a sound similar to dragonflies, which are a natural predator of mosquitoes. Unfortunately, there’s been no evidence that these provide protection.

Don’t waste time with wristbands, either. Another product that falls short when tested are wristbands made with repellent. They might protect your wrist, but not much else.

Get Mosquito Spraying Services from Summit’s Expert Team 

If you’d like the strongest defense against mosquitoes, get help from the professionals trusted from Summit to Bridgewater and beyond. At Lawn Doctor of Bridgewater, we offer a proven program, Yard Armour®, that works to stop mosquitoes at all stages of the life cycle. From eggs and larvae to adults, we will eliminate your current infestation and prevent a future one from occurring.

We will also return during the Summit area’s mosquito season to provide additional maintenance sprays. This keeps protection around your lawn strong, so you don’t have to worry about these pests when you’re trying to enjoy an evening outside. We’ll keep the bug spray where it belongs: on mosquitoes.

We offer mosquito spraying services in:

  • Summit
  • Bridgewater
  • Springfield
  • Flemington
  • Clinton
  • Hillsborough
  • And throughout the surrounding area

If you’d like mosquito spraying from a Summit, NJ professional, contact us today for a free quote!