Fall Lawn Weed Control in Hillsborough

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass showing lawn weed control in HillsboroughNoticing weeds spreading in your lawn? As local lawn weed control professionals in the Hillsborough, NJ area, at Lawn Doctor of Bridgewater, we know you’re certainly not alone. While you might be surprised considering it’s fall, there are many common weeds in New Jersey and throughout our Northeast region that thrive in the cooler temperatures and therefore tend to pop up during the season. These include:

  • Dandelion
  • Marestail
  • Henbit
  • Wild Violet
  • Chickweed
  • Hairy Bittercress

The list goes on. However, don’t get discouraged and give up the fight until spring. This is the season when weeds are absorbing energy, as opposed to spring and summer when they’re expending energy as they grow. That means they’re drinking in whatever weed control products you’re treating your lawn with, making fall the ideal time for getting them under control and out of your lawn.

Tips for Fall Lawn Weed Control in the Hillsborough Area

When you do choose a product to apply to your lawn, make sure it’s appropriate for the weeds you’re trying to control. This is why it can be helpful to call in a professional lawn weed control service in the Hillsborough area, like Lawn Doctor of Bridgewater. We can quickly identify the types of weeds in your lawn and deliver targeted treatments designed specifically for controlling them.

If you choose the DIY route, just make sure the herbicide you use is made for treating the kinds of weeds you have in your lawn. This information will be listed on the label. If it’s not, then you’ll get partial control at best, or none at all, at worst. In addition, keep in mind that if you’re struggling against both grassy and broadleaf weeds, you’re going to need different products for each of these.

Beyond a post-emergent herbicide to suppress existing weeds, fall is also an ideal time to consider a pre-emergent treatment, as well. This way, weeds are treated underground during the development process, ensuring they don’t emerge, grow, and spread across your lawn in spring.

Finally, it’s important to be persistent. Many weeds in and around the Hillsborough area are stubborn and could require more than one lawn weed control application to truly eradicate them. Just make sure you follow the directions on the label so your applications are both safe and effective.

Get professional help with the job by calling (908) 526-3030. Lawn Doctor of Bridgewater NJ offers free lawn weed control consultations to homeowners across many local communities, including Hillsborough, Springfield, Summit, Flemington, and Clinton.