Fall Lawn Care in Bridgewater: Tips for a Dazzling Spring Lawn

Father and daughter playing ball on a green lawn with trees in background showing fall lawn care in BridgewaterYour grass is on its way to dormancy for winter. You can start wrapping up lawn care, right? Not so fast. In fact, there are many important treatments your yard still needs and autumn is the ideal time to deliver them. Not sure where to begin? Lawn Doctor of Bridgewater can help. As experts in fall lawn care in Bridgewater, NJ, we know what your turf needs now to produce thicker, greener, lusher grass in spring. For instance, make sure you:

Aerate compacted soil. Oftentimes, summer fun can lead to soil compaction. But you can easily combat it by aerating your lawn to remove small plugs of soil. This creates pathways for more oxygen to circulate, as well as more nutrients and water to penetrate the soil.

Seed areas that are bare or thin. A hot Bridgewater summer can often cause certain areas of your lawn to thin out or die off, which is where fall lawn care can help. In fact, seeding will thicken these areas, as well as ensure they’re not a prime target for weeds and diseases.

Support healthy roots with fertilization. An autumn application of fertilization is vital to help keep roots healthy and strong through winter, supporting lusher, greener growth in the spring. If you aerate your lawn, fertilize soon after to get nutrients to the roots.

Get control over weeds. Apply a pre-emergent product to get control over fall weeds and also cut down on populations that grow in during the spring. However, don’t apply any products near where there’s fresh seed.

Practice good maintenance. Take care of your lawn until it goes dormant by practicing good mowing and watering habits. Also, rake up fallen leaves to ensure sunlight can reach your grass and that soggy conditions don’t cause diseases.

Let Bridgewater’s Fall Lawn Care Team Help

Getting fall lawn care right can be tricky, which is where Lawn Doctor of Bridgewater comes in. We know the exact right times of the season to perform a range of treatments, all to ensure we produce the best results in your lawn come spring. You simply handle the maintenance work, while we tackle fertilization, seeding, aerating, and weed control. Your lawn will look healthier and stronger, offering you and your family more enjoyment.

Get started today by calling Lawn Doctor of Bridgewater at (908) 526-3030 for a free consultation. We offer fall lawn care in Bridgewater, NJ, including in surrounding areas, such as Springfield, Summit, Flemington, and Clinton.