Flea Control in Boynton Beach: Tips for Pet Owners

Girl sitting and hugging her dog in lawn after flea control in Boynton BeachFleas can be a nuisance for your pet and your family members. As a pet owner, you want to make sure there are no fleas present in your yard or your home. Our flea control in Boynton Beach helps local homeowners banish these pests from their lawns. At Lawn Doctor of Boca Raton-Delray Beach-Boynton Beach, we are committed to creating safe and beautiful lawns in our area.

Before seeking professional help, there are a few things you can do as a pet owner to minimize fleas on your pet. Here are some types for keeping your pet flea-free:

  • Limit time spent outdoors.
  • Limit contact with wild or stray animals.
  • Bathe and brush your pet regularly.
  • Check for fleas regularly.

About Our Flea Control in Boynton Beach

Our flea control provides a comprehensive and affordable solution to controlling fleas close to your home. Fleas can be spread into your lawn by your pets and other wild animals. They can also enter your home from your pets and your family members. We can help you target favorable flea environments and keep fleas from entering your home. Then, you can allow your pets to enjoy more time outside without worrying about fleas.

We provide perimeter pest treatments to banish fleas from your yard and keep them from entering your house. Our natural product will be applied around your home’s foundation, including any entry points. This creates a protective barrier around your home. It ensures fleas will not nest around your home and keeps them from entering your home as well.

We also offer tick control. This service can be combined with our flea control to create a more comprehensive plan. Ticks are also a nuisance and concern for pets and humans alike. Our team can create a personalized lawn care plan that is tailored to your specific concerns and issues.

Learn More About Our Flea Control Services

Choosing Lawn Doctor of Boca Raton-Delray Beach-Boynton Beach connects you with a team of local lawn experts. We are knowledgeable about treating lawns in our area and banishing common pests. If you are located in one of the following areas, consider our flea control to create a safe outdoor space for your family and pets:

  • Boynton Beach
  • Boca Raton
  • Delray Beach
  • Palm Beach County
  • And throughout the surrounding area

For flea control in Boynton Beach, contact us today!