Residential Lawn Care in Dalton: Evaluating Common Myths  

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Residential Lawn Care in Dalton

Dealing with invasive weed species, yellowing grass, or other common lawn problems can be a headache for homeowners. So why not try residential lawn care services? At Lawn Doctor of the Greater Berkshires, we administer comprehensive treatments for properties across the region, including in Dalton. We can address weeds, poor soil quality, and sparse grass—while helping your lawn grow abundant and flourishing.

We know there’s a lot of information to navigate when it comes to a healthy lawn, including myths and misinformation about the right methods. When in doubt, you can always count on us to provide expert answers. Let’s review some common misunderstandings we’ve encountered.

Three Residential Lawn Care Myths To Beware of in Dalton 

With our lawn services, one of the great benefits is being able to rely on our knowledgeable technicians. Our team knows the ins and outs of weed control and lawn health. Here, we’ll debunk some more common myths about your turf:

An expert approach always looks the same. If a certain approach to lawn care works for one lawn, shouldn’t it work for all of them? It’s tempting to think that. But in reality, that’s just not true. The right approach for residential lawn care will always be determined by grass type, soil quality, local weeds, drainage concerns, and other factors. It’s why we always assess your lawn in advance of treatment.

Over-watering your lawn can’t hurt. Water is good for plants—so you shouldn’t worry about over-watering, right? Unfortunately, too much water can be a bad thing for your lawn’s overall health. It can end up drowning grass roots and can cause soil to become compacted, too. We can suggest a watering schedule based on your grass species, its age, and other important details.

Salt can keep weeds under control. Believe it or not, DIY weed control can cause a lot of long-term damage to your turf. One example is using salt to curb weed growth. While salt can address weed growth, it will also kill grass plants, too. Once it’s seeped into the soil, it can contaminate groundwater and cause other problems. That’s why we always recommend professional weed control in Dalton.

Treating Lawns in Dalton and Throughout the Region

For properties across the region, you can always turn to our residential lawn care company for results in:

  • Dalton
  • Pittsfield
  • The Berkshires
  • North Adams
  • Stockbridge
  • Lee
  • Great Barrington
  • And throughout the surrounding area

Ready to transform your lawn? Homeowners in Dalton can simply contact our residential lawn care team today!