Lawn Weed Control Treatment Plans in Beavercreek Stop Lawn Invaders

Close up of blades of grass showing lawn weed control in BeavercreekA lawn full of freshly-sprouted weeds can be disheartening for any homeowner. Weeds can spread rapidly and develop resilient root systems, making dealing with them on your own a difficult task. For results you can count on and a weed-free lawn through the seasons, turn to your local lawn care experts at Lawn Doctor of Beavercreek-Bellbrook & Lawn Doctor of Centerville-Springboro. We implement advanced treatments to fight off invasive weeds and keep them from returning later in the year. Homeowners spanning the Beavercreek, Bellbrook, Centerville, and Springboro areas count on our proven lawn weed control treatments for flexible treatment programs and long-lasting results.

How We Control Lawn Weeds in Beavercreek

If your weed control strategy consists of imprecise spot treatment and pulling the occasional unsightly dandelion, the fight against weeds will last forever. Our team implements proven strategies and advanced products to effectively stop weed invasions, eradicate active weeds, and keep the rest of your yard green and healthy. Here is a closer look at how our technicians deal with the two main varieties of weeds:

Grassy Weeds

Grassy weeds like crabgrass and goosegrass can be a handful for several reasons, but mainly due to their underground stems and root systems. These underground networks give grassy weeds the ability to regenerate if only the upper part of the plant is destroyed. To take away this regenerative property, we utilize advanced pre-emergent weed control treatments, which target these underground stem and root systems. By effectively eradicating the plant at the roots, we prevent them from regenerating later in the season when they’re active.

Broadleaf Weeds

Dandelion, chickweed, and other broadleaf weeds can take a heavy toll on your lawn’s appearance due to their large size. We attack broadleaf weeds with our dedicated broadleaf weed control treatments, which utilize cutting-edge products to eradicate these plants and keep them from returning.

Our Ongoing Lawn Weed Control Programs

Keeping your lawn free of weeds from year-to-year requires maintenance treatments. With our ongoing weed control programs, you can enjoy a weed-free lawn without the hassles of rescheduling service. All you have to do is set your initial schedule and leave the rest to us.

Call Lawn Doctor of Beavercreek-Bellbrook & Lawn Doctor of Centerville-Springboro today at (937) 681-0400 to schedule your free lawn evaluation and learn more about the proven lawn weed control services we offer to homeowners in Beavercreek, Bellbrook, Centerville, Springboro, and the surrounding OH communities.