Lawn Fertilization in Southside

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Lawn Fertilization in Southside

Fertilizing your lawn is one of the most important steps in keeping it healthy and producing strong grass growth over time. Although it’s a fairly common lawn treatment, fertilization has many moving parts, and getting great results consistently is tricky without help from the professionals. At Lawn Doctor of Gadsden, we utilize cutting-edge lawn fertilization strategies, tools, and equipment to bring dependable results to our neighbors located throughout the entire Southside, AL area.

The Differences Between Lawn Fertilization Products

Finding the right fertilizer for your lawn’s current needs is an important part of getting the results you’re after from fertilization treatments. There are several factors that change between different fertilizer products, and recognizing these changes and how they affect the outcome of treatments is essential for maintaining a healthy lawn. Here’s a quick look at some of the biggest factors that differentiate fertilization products and how to use them to get results you can trust:

NPK Ratios. Fertilizers are responsible for giving your yard the nutrients it needs to support ongoing growth, but different fertilizers provide different nutrients. The way to tell these fertilizers apart quickly is by their NPK ratios. These ratios indicate how much nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium are contained in the fertilizer, and it tells you which purpose the product will most effectively serve. Nitrogen-dominant fertilizers are better for grass growth, while phosphorous boosts root growth and potassium supports your lawn’s overall health.

Fertilizer Types. In addition to their varying nutrient contents, fertilizers also differ in the way the release their nutrients into your yard. Liquid fertilizers rapidly release nutrients into your yard, helping it quickly recover from damage and support new growth after uncooperative weather. Granulated fertilizers, on the other hand, release slowly and give your yard a long-lasting nutrient source.

The Benefits of Professional Lawn Fertilization in Southside

Leaving your yard’s fertilization to our experts at Lawn Doctor of Gadsden comes with several benefits over the DIY alternative. With our vast industry expertise and our cutting-edge tools, we’ll maximize the results we’re able to get with our lawn fertilization treatments and bring you results you can depend on in the long run.

We provide optimized lawn fertilization to our neighbors located in the following areas:

  • Southside
  • Gadsden
  • Rainbow City
  • Hokes Bluff
  • Glencoe
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

Ready to learn more? To get started with our lawn fertilization in Southside, contact us today!