Lawn Aeration in Woodbridge

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Lawn Aeration in Woodbridge

As a homeowner, it’s easy to grasp the importance of watering and fertilizing turf grass. Lawn aeration is a little bit different. Many homeowners in Woodbridge, VA have trouble understanding why it’s so important to aerate their soil. Others get why aeration is helpful, but they’re unsure when to book an aeration treatment.

At Lawn Doctor of Woodbridge-Manassas-Dumfries, we’re your local lawn aeration experts. Below, we’ve compiled some basic information on:

  • Why it’s so important to aerate your lawn
  • Common signs that your lawn needs aeration
  • How our aeration services work

The Basics of Lawn Aeration

As a homeowner, it’s helpful to know why soil aeration is important and how it impacts your turf.

The basic answer is that aeration allows air and water to reach your turf’s roots. When soil is well-aerated, it’s filled with small pockets and tiny crevices. This allows air and water to filter down through the soil and reach the roots underneath.

Aeration problems occur when these pockets and crevices get sealed off. Typically, this happens through soil compaction, which can occur when there’s lots of foot traffic or a heavy weight on top of the soil. Over time, the soil becomes packed tighter and tighter, which blocks air and water from filtering through the soil.

Soil compaction is a relatively common problem in the area, and it’s one that most homeowners can detect on their own. If your lawn is health in some areas while others look sparse or worn down, that’s a strong sign that soil is compacted in these areas. Another common sign is when puddles form on your lawn during rainfall. This is a sign that the soil underneath is packed too tight to absorb the rain.

If you’re concerned your lawn is suffering from compacted soil, you can always try the screwdriver test. Simply try to insert a screwdriver into the soil in the spot where grass is struggling. If the soil offers resistance, it’s time to call in our team.

Core Aeration in Woodbridge

We’re known for delivering high-quality aeration treatments. We achieve these results through our exclusive line of Turf Tamer® equipment and a technique called core aeration.

Core aeration extracts small plugs (or “cores”) of soil from your lawn, which allows the soil to loosen and disperse. Unlike spike aeration, which is a popular DIY method, core aeration is able to fix severe soil compaction problems. It’s also known for its consistency and long-lasting results, making it a popular choice with our clients.

Our lawn aeration services are available to homeowners in:

  • Woodbridge
  • Manassas
  • Dumfries
  • Prince William County
  • Surrounding areas

For lawn aeration in Woodbridge, contact Lawn Doctor of Woodbridge-Manassas-Dumfries today!