Lawn Fertilization in Brookhaven

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Lawn Fertilization in Brookhaven

Lawn fertilization is one of our most popular services — and it’s easy to see why. Homeowners in Brookhaven take pride in their lawns, so they expect lush, vibrant, and healthy turf. Without the right approach to lawn fertilization, you won’t see these results. That means you need to choose the right fertilizers, apply them at the right times, and use the right fertilization techniques.

With our lawn fertilization services, growing healthy turf is a breeze for homeowners in Brookhaven. If you’re planning to handle fertilization duties yourself, here are some tips to help improve your results.

Lawn Fertilization Tips for Homeowners

When to Fertilize Your Turf. The first step to improving turf fertilization is to understand your lawn’s fertilization schedule. This will depend on its species of turf, as different types of grass have different fertilization schedules. Your lawn’s fertilization schedule will determine when fertilizer needs to be applied and what types of fertilizer need to be used at different times of the year.

How to Choose Fertilizer. The biggest factor when choosing a fertilizer are the N-P-K values. These values will tell you the percentage of nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P), and potassium (K) in the fertilizer. Each of these nutrients has a different effect on turf. Nitrogen, for example, helps turf grow more quickly and promotes vibrant color. Phosphorous, on the other hand, is most important for growing healthy roots.

How to Fertilize Your Lawn. When you’re applying fertilizer, it’s important to apply the right amounts and to ensure even coverage. Pay careful attention to the instructions on fertilizer packaging, and invest in a quality spreader to improve application. After you’ve applied the fertilizer, you’ll want to water your lawn. This will allow the nutrients to filter down into the soil and reach the turf’s roots.

Our Fertilization Services in Brookhaven

Want to simplify lawn care and grow healthier turf this year? Lawn Doctor of Smyrna-Brookhaven can help. We will carefully assess your lawn and develop a one-of-a-kind fertilization plan. This plan will be tailored to the species of turf and growing conditions on your property, allowing us to make the most of your turf’s health and appearance.

Our lawn fertilization services are available throughout Brookhaven and Smyrna, as well as the surrounding areas. Our service area also includes Mableton, Buckhead, Atlanta, and neighboring communities.

For lawn fertilization in Brookhaven, contact Lawn Doctor of Smyrna-Brookhaven today!