Mosquito Control in Harrisburg

dead mosquito upsidedown after Lawn Doctor provided Mosquito Control in Harrisburg

Mosquitoes are one of the deadliest creatures humans have to contend with, and while deaths caused by these creatures are relatively rare in the United States, their bites are fatal for over a million people around the globe each year. Additionally, they are the cause of major health concerns for animals, including domesticated pets. If you hope to give your pets and your family members protection from these insidious insects, consider getting started with our comprehensive mosquito control treatments in the Harrisburg area.

Facing the Threat of Mosquitoes in Harrisburg

While mosquitoes are a major annoyance, life would be so much simpler if this was the only threat they posed to humans and pets. As they can also transmit severe diseases through their bites, they are also a significant health concern. Preventing the growth of their populations and protecting yourself from being bitten is thus crucial to having a healthy summer.

There is a wide range of mosquito-borne illnesses that affect human health, including:

  • West Nile virus
  • Zika virus
  • Dengue
  • Malaria

As for pets, one of the biggest concerns when it comes to mosquito bites is heartworm disease. Mosquitoes work as the vector for the heartworm parasite, injecting it into an animal’s bloodstream as it bites them. After the heartworm is transmitted to the animal, it can experience massive growth and eventually clog up the blood vessels. As a result, heartworm can cause major breathing difficulties and can even be fatal for dogs and cats.

Reduce the Risk of Mosquitoes in Harrisburg With Professional Mosquito Control

One of the easiest ways to find peace of mind about mosquitoes is to look to Lawn Doctor of Sioux Falls for help. We offer mosquito control services that check all the boxes, meaning you can look forward to help with prevention, fast relief from existing mosquitoes, and ongoing protection through regularly scheduled treatments.

As our technicians are experts at mosquito control, they understand the behavior of these creatures and know where they like to hide. We can easily target these areas with our potent treatment, dramatically reducing mosquito numbers and lowering your family’s risk of being bitten. Moreover, we can design a schedule of treatments that suits your needs and is precisely timed to prevent mosquitoes from coming back.

Trust us to help reduce the risk that mosquitoes pose to your family and pets in:

  • Harrisburg
  • Sioux Falls
  • Brandon
  • Tea
  • Hartford
  • Or a community in the surrounding area

To learn about professional mosquito control for Harrisburg yards, contact us today!