Lawn Aeration in Salem

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Lawn Aeration in Salem

Lawn aeration is crucial for healthy turf in Salem, VA. Without proper aeration, your turf won’t get the air, water, and nutrients it needs. As a result, turf will start to struggle, even with frequent watering and careful fertilization.

Our lawn aeration services can restore proper airflow to yards suffering from compacted soil. By taking small cores out of your lawn, we will loosen the soil and allow your turf to breathe again.

More importantly, we can prevent aeration problems from happening in the first place. We recommend an aeration treatment every two years for lawns in Salem. This way, soil doesn’t get compacted in the first place.

The Importance of Lawn Aeration in Salem

Like other plants, turf grass needs four things to thrive: sunlight, air, water, and nutrients.

Sunlight gets absorbed through turf’s grass blades. But the other three components are absorbed through turf’s roots. That means they need to pass through your lawn’s soil first. If there aren’t enough gaps and seams in your soil for this to happen, the effect is similar to choking or suffocating your turf.

There are two main causes of lawn aeration problems. The first cause is soil compaction. This is when soil gets packed too tight. It can be caused by heavy foot traffic, heavy objects left for long periods, or even puddles caused by rainfall. The second cause is lawn thatch. This is a layer of dead plant matter and other debris that builds up over time on top of the soil. When it gets too thick, it blocks air and water from penetrating the soil.

Aeration treatments can help solve soil compaction and lawn thatch buildup. These treatments also prevent aeration problems from occurring in the first place.

While some homeowners in Salem prefer DIY aeration, it can be a time-intensive job. Worse yet, DIY aeration often leads to inconsistent results. With our core aeration services, you’ll enjoy high-quality aeration without any stress or hassle.

Core Aeration Services in Your Area

Lawn Doctor of the Roanoke Valley makes aeration a breeze for families and homeowners in Salem, VA.

Our core aeration services are performed using our exclusive line of Turf Tamer® equipment. This allows us to penetrate the soil at precisely the right level needed for healthy aeration. It also ensures consistent results across your entire yard.

Unsure if your lawn needs an aeration treatment? Our experts can diagnose the cause of patchy, brittle, and/or yellowing turf. We’ll then let you know whether aeration is a suitable solution, or if another type of treatment is needed.

Our lawn aeration services are available throughout neighboring areas. We currently offer our services in:

  • Salem
  • Roanoke
  • Vinton
  • Blue Ridge
  • Daleville
  • Cloverdale
  • and throughout the surrounding areas

For lawn aeration in Salem, contact Lawn Doctor of the Roanoke Valley today!