Tick Control in Solon

Expert Tick Control in Solon

Despite being more active in warm weather, ticks can survive in your lawn all year. That’s why ongoing control is key and where Lawn Doctor of Pepper Pike-Beachwood can help. We offer a powerful tick control plan in Solon, Beachwood, and nearby areas in OH that will treat ticks quickly and effectively.

At the same time, we’ll advise you on strategies to lower the risk of ticks in your lawn. Together, we’ll bite back against these parasites and reduce their numbers dramatically. Here are a few recommendations to get started.

Prevention is Key When it Comes to Tick Control in Solon

Ticks are more than a pest. They can pose a danger to the health of your family and your pets. While deer ticks carry the bacteria that can lead to Lyme disease, dog ticks, and Lonestar ticks can likewise cause other issues, from Rocky Mountain spotted fever and babesiosis to anaplasmosis and more. Keeping them out of your yard is therefore crucial.

To do so, make sure you cut your lawn carefully and regularly. Ticks love moist, tall grasses because of the shade provided. They’re also sensitive to dry conditions, which is why they’re attracted to taller or overgrown areas that remain wet for longer.

Beyond keeping up on lawn maintenance, clear up any clutter. This can include piles of wood, equipment, or leaf litter. These too create hiding spots for ticks and the animals that carry them in. The cleaner your yard, the less at-risk it will be.

Another way to control ticks common in the Solon area is to stop the animals that bring them in. From deer and birds to raccoons and squirrels, wildlife is often the culprit when you see ticks in your yard. Discourage them from entering by putting up a fence. You can also plant greenery, such as eucalyptus and sage, around your yard’s perimeter that naturally deters these animals.

Get Expert Tick Control to Protect Your Lawn & Loved Ones

If you do see ticks and want professional control from the experts trusted in the Solon area, turn to Lawn Doctor of Pepper Pike-Beachwood. With our Yard Armour® program, we’ll identify where ticks are hiding, treat high-risk areas, explain ways you can keep ticks out, and return to provide additional barrier treatments. You’ll get top-quality protection and the peace of mind that comes with it.

Our tick control experts are available in:

  • Solon
  • Beachwood
  • Brecksville
  • Pepper Pike
  • Aurora
  • Shaker Heights
  • Cleveland Heights
  • And throughout surrounding communities

Get professional tick control from Solon, OH’s leading source: Lawn Doctor of Pepper Pike-Beachwood. Contact us today to get started.