Mosquito Control in Delaware City

Mosquito found prior to providing Mosquito Control in Delaware City

Choosing the right company for mosquito treatments means understanding what exactly the treatments consist of. At Lawn Doctor of Newark / Cecil County, we utilize a comprehensive system and top-of-the-line products to keep local lawns protected. Below, we’ll take a closer look at some specific aspects of our mosquito control and how we use it to bring safer lawns to our neighbors all over the Delaware City, DE area.

Our Comprehensive Mosquito Control

When you choose our team for your lawn’s mosquito control, you’ll be working with industry pros who have the tools and techniques needed to not only get rid of your lawn’s active mosquitoes, but also to prevent future populations from developing over time. Here’s a quick look at our process:

Where Mosquitoes are Found

To effectively protect local lawns from mosquitoes, it’s essential to know where to find them. Mosquito populations, thankfully, are generally pretty predictable. These insects can usually be found on the undersides of leaves and hanging out near standing water sources. The midday sun is tough on mosquitoes, so they take shelter on the undersides of leaves. Standing water sources, on the other hand, provide mosquitoes with their preferred breeding grounds.

How We Target Them

We target these areas by taking a multi-faceted approach. In the first step of our mosquito control process, we’ll work with you to identify and address objects in your yard that can collect standing water and act as mosquito breeding grounds. Addressing these potential standing water sources keeps populations down over time, while our treatments use specialized sprayers to direct our product onto the undersides of leaves and address active populations.

Ongoing Protection

For long-term protection throughout the entire mosquito season, we’ll return every 3-5 weeks to apply follow-up treatments. With these additional applications, we’ll be able to effectively address any budding populations and keep your yard safe.

Guaranteed Mosquito Control for Delaware City Residents

Working with our team also brings you risk-free results. We stand by our full service list with a comprehensive guarantee to bring you peace of mind through every step of the treatment process.

We provide guaranteed mosquito control to our neighbors located throughout the following areas:

  • Delaware City
  • Newark
  • Elkton
  • Landenberg
  • Cecil County
  • Bear
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

To learn more about our professional mosquito control in Delaware City, contact us today!