Lawn Aeration in Allen

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Lawn Aeration in Allen

Your lawn needs more than watering, mowing, and fertilizer to thrive. If the soil is compacted, lawn aeration is key. This will allow more essentials, like oxygen and water, to reach roots. At Lawn Doctor of McKinney-Allen, we offer aeration services using the proven core aeration method.

While there are many techniques for aeration, this one is the most effective. The process involves cutting out hundreds of small soil plugs from across your yard, doing a better job at allowing it to breathe again. At the same time, there’s no damage to your existing turf. Grass will soon grow and fill in the holes.

How Often to Aerate & What Time of Year

This depends on factors like the condition of the soil and the composition of it. For instance, lawns with clay-based soil need more frequent aeration since the composition is denser. Likewise, if your lawn experiences heavy foot traffic, or you park vehicles on it, it can lead to compaction, requiring more frequent aeration.

Generally, though, Lawn Doctor of McKinney-Allen recommends aeration every year. Even if the soil isn’t clay-based and there’s not a lot of foot traffic, soil does get compacted over time due to everything from heavy rainfall to mowing the grass and walking over it.

The time of year to aerate depends on the grass species in your lawn. For warm-season grasses, such as Zoysia, St. Augustine, andBermuda grass, then aim for spring.

Can Aeration Help a Dying Lawn?

If your lawn is truly struggling, you might be wondering whether aeration can save it. Since aeration enables your lawn to take in more essentials, like nutrients, it could revive a lawn that is weak. Lawn aeration will also open your soil back up, so roots can breathe and have space to grow. Let Lawn Doctor of McKinney-Allen evaluate your lawn and make a recommendation for aeration for you.

Call Us Today for a Free Quote on Lawn Aeration in Allen!

If you’d like to transform your lawn from mediocre to mind-blowing, turn to Lawn Doctor of McKinney-Allen for aeration. We can also give you recommendations on an aeration schedule, so soil compaction doesn’t happen again.

Take advantage of our aeration services and let us restore your lawn in:

  • Allen
  • McKinney
  • And throughout the surrounding area

Contact us today to find out more about the difference we can make and get a free quote on lawn aeration in Allen, TX.