Mosquito Control in La Crescent MN

Mosquito biting on human skin

When spending time with your kids outside results in arms and legs covered in itchy mosquito bites, it’s time to call in the pros. At Lawn Doctor of La Crosse, we utilize top-of-the-line products and our comprehensive strategies to bring you dependable protection from these pests while also helping you avoid the headaches that come with fighting them alone. With our proven mosquito control, our neighbors will have safer lawns throughout the entire La Crescent MN area.

Our Comprehensive Approach to Mosquito Control in La Crescent MN Lawns

The fight against mosquitoes requires a comprehensive solution. At Lawn Doctor of La Crosse, we keep these pests out of local lawns by utilizing a multi-faceted treatment plan made up of a handful of distinct steps. Here’s a quick overview of these steps and how they work to bring you a lawn that you can actually spend time in without the constant fear of being covered in bites:

Finding Mosquito Hiding Spots. Every lawn is unique, each with their own places for mosquitoes to hide. Your yard is no exception. To bring you a customized treatment plan designed to bring you the best protection possible, we first need to survey your property and find its nooks and crannies that can harbor mosquito populations.

Targeting Breeding Grounds. After we’ve completed our initial lawn evaluation, we’ll turn our attention to the standing water sources in your lawn that can provide breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Our team will work with you to address objects in your lawn that can accumulate standing water or water features without pumps. Addressing these potential breeding grounds early on in the mosquito control process prevents new waves of these pests from appearing through the seasons.

Addressing Resident Mosquitoes. Keeping your yard protected from mosquitoes means addressing active populations. To accomplish this, our team will use our potent mosquito control products to treat places where mosquitoes frequently hang out. By treating areas like inside dense bushes and on the undersides of leaves, we’ll drastically reduce mosquito activity in your yard with just one application.

Lasting Protection. For protection that lasts, we’ll return on an ongoing basis to apply follow-up treatments. This long-term strategy fortifies your lawn’s defenses to keep it protected from mosquitoes throughout the warmer months when they’re active.

Controlling Mosquitoes in Your Area

We offer our proven mosquito control to our neighbors in these areas:

  • La Crescent MN
  • La Crosse WI
  • Holmen
  • Onalaska
  • West Salem
  • La Crosse County
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

To get started with our mosquito control in La Crescent MN, contact us today!